(désolé pour les envois multiples)
Codelab.fr est un nouveau forum francophone consacré à la création
d'images, de vidéo, de son et de musique par le code (pure-data / gem,
processing, chuck, supercollider, livecode, vvvv, etc.) ou
l'expérimentation électronique (construction d'interfaces et
d'instruments, circuit-bending, etc.)
Les logiciels et langages abordés sur le forum sont open-source (sauf
vvvv, gratuit pour usage non commercial).
C'est un espace de partage d'idées, d'entraide pour les utilisateurs
de ces outils, un point d'entrée pour les débutants qui pourront y
trouver des conseils pour démarrer.
Un forum annonces est également disponible pour présenter les
manifestations, workshops, concerts, associations, etc. qui donnent
une place à ces pratiques.
For english readers (sorry for cross posting) :
Codelab.fr is a new french speaking forum devoted to the experimental
practices for creation of pictures, videos, sound and music by code
(processing, chuck, supercollider, livecode, pure-data, gem, vvvv,
etc) or electronic experimentation (interfaces and instruments,
circuit-bending, etc.)
The software and languages approached on the forum are open-source
(except for vvvv which is free for a not-commercial use).
It is a crossroads where users could meet and help themselves.
Beginners are welcome, and will be able to find some advices and help
to start creative code programming.
A forum is also available to announce demonstrations, workshops,
concerts, associations, etc for these practices.
I fixed some more bugs... latest is 0.41-4 on the usual:
The most serious recent bugs were causing occasional crashes starting and
stopping DSP on huge patches, and some audio devices weren't showing
up on the dialogs on windows machines.
dear listeners,
hope that this message finds you well
for the more curious among you we have a very nice feature in Chain
DLK international magazine
musically-wise, we have completed a new song with Pantaleimon
the collaboration will appear on a disc featuring her work remixed by
the who is who of Industrial cultures: andrew w.k, stephen o'malley,
chris and cosey, lilium, andrew liles, colin potter, susan stenger,
clodagh simonds and will come out on david tibet's Durtro/Jnana
prestigious label.
as you might remember last Summer Karl records released a split with
Kammerflimmer Kollektief and Strings Of Consciousness
2 songs can be heard on the label site
and the third one on our my space
the vinyl-only 10' is limited to 500 copies ltd. edition (act fast as
some are left for purchase and then it will become a collectible), so
it sounded like a good idea to make those songs available on a CD,
accompanied with remixes by friends and sound-designers whom we respect
that will be on OFF and hitting the racks in May
to raise your appetite feel free to hear one of those remixes by
Leafcutter John there:
another one by Gamal Trio there:
and watch that video which will be a Quicktime bonus to the CD
directed by anne sulikowski from Castle Clips.
she's also behind the music of Building Castles out of Matchsticks
+ our TOP 33 for 2007
Oxbow : the narcotic story (Hydra Head)
Rothko : eleven stages of intervention [BiP_HOp]
Caribou : andorra (Merge)
Function : the secret miracle fountain (Locust)
Pluramon : the monstrous surplus (Karaoke Kalk)
Do Make Say Think : you, you are a history in rust (Constellation)
Kammerflimmer Kollektief : jinx (Staubgold)
Darling : s/t (Cave 12)
Tuxedomoon : vapour trails (Crammed)
Jesu : conqueror (HydraHead)
Helen Money : s/t (Cellobird)
Neurosis : given to the rising (Neurot)
?Alos : ricordi indelibili (Bar La Muerte)
Foetus : damp (Ectopic Ents)
Zeitkratzer & Lou Reed : metal machine music (Asphodel)
KTL : #2 (Editions Mego)
Tarentel : ghetto beats on the surface of the sun (Temporary Residence)
Dälek : abandoned language (Ipecac)
Trentemoller : the last resort (Poker Flat)
Pantaleimon : trees hold time (Jnana)
Spaceheads & Max Eastley : a very long way from anywhere else [BiP_HOp]
Pan sonic : Katodivaihe/Cathodephrase (Blast First Petite)
Murcof : cosmos (Leaf)
Port-Royal : afraid to dance (Resonant)
Golden Death : ephemera blues (Helmet Room)
Drog_A_Tek : who hurt you? (Que Tempo)
Migraine Inducers : antagonistic music (Beta Lactam Ring)
Klima : s/t (Peacefrog)
Piano Magic : part monster (Green Ufos)
Sinner DC : mount age (Ai)
Don Shtone : beware of the cat (Off)
Mùm : go go smear the poison ivy (FatCat)
Sunburnded Circle : the blaze game (Conspiracy)
may the music be with you
xxxxx_workshop_39_40 Berlin: Using Cheap Game Controllers and DIY
Interface for Sensor Input into Pure Data with Derek Holzer & Martin
A (more-or-less) weekly series of constructivist workshops emphasising
making and connection within the field of the existent.
March 15th 2PM: Using Cheap Game Controllers and DIY Interface for
Sensor Input into Pure Data with Derek Holzer & Martin Howse
March 29th 2PM: Hands on Theremin Workshop with Ralph Schreiber
Forthcoming matter:
Pinhole and Kirlian photography, radio telescopy, data forensics,
scientific visualisation toolkits, hardware RNG, EVP, scrying boards
and KiCad design
... contact if you're interested in leading a related workshop.
March 15th 2PM: Using Cheap Game Controllers and DIY Interface for
Sensor Input into Pure Data with Derek Holzer & Martin Howse
The workshop will focus on the quickest, cheapest way possible to get
sensor input into the Pure Data programming environment - hacking USB
game controllers and the HID (Human Interface Device) protocol. For
often less than EUR 5 and a few minutes with the soldering iron, a
clever artist can start plugging sensors which measure light,
temperature, pressure, movement and many other things right into their
laptop. We will also examine building our own USB input device using
the ATmega8 microcontroller.
Parts and tools for these projects as well as some sample sensors will
be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own sensors
and USB game controllers (joysticks, steering wheels, dancemats, toy
guitars, fishing rods, etc etc) for experimentation. The Pure Data
programming environment will be used to get the sensor information
into the computer and map it to different parameters, ranging from
MIDI to direct control of audio or video.
Windows users should be aware that the possibilities for input on
their systems may be more restricted. GNU/Linux and Mac OS X users
should not expect any problems.
Some links for those interested:
http://puredata.info/ (Pure Data)
http://puredata.info/downloads (install PD-Extended 0.39 from here!)
http://at.or.at/hans/research/nime/ (HC Steiner's page on sensor interfaces)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sensors (every imaginable kind of
sensor listed)
---What to bring:
1) Laptop running Linux, OS X or Windows (be advised that Windows
users may have fewer possibilities)
2) Pure Data Extended 0.39 installed from:
http://puredata.info/downloads (please mind that it is Extended and
3) Soundcard (internal or external, quality a non-issue)
4) Headphones
5) EUR 15 participation fee
1) Sensors of any kind
2) USB game controller of any kind
3) Microphones or other sound inputs
4) Your own project ideas for discussion
---About the Teachers
Derek Holzer [USA 1972] began working with Pure Data in 2001. Since
then, he has taught and performed with the program across Europe,
North America, Brazil and New Zealand. His work focuses on field
recording, networked collaboration strategies, experiments in
improvisational sound and the use of free software such as
Pure-Data. He is currently writing a beginner's manual for Pure Data.
Martin Howse operates within the fields of discourse, speculative
hardware (environmental data in open physical systems), code (an
examination of layers of abstraction), free software and the
situational (performances and interventions).
Workshops led by field-expert practitioners extend over realms of code
and embedded code, environmental code, noise, transmission and
reception, and electromysticism. Workshops solely utilise free
software and GNU toolbase.
Practitioners have included Martin Kuentz (prd(a)scrying.org), Julian Oliver
(http://selectparks.net/), Derek Holzer (http://soundtransit.nl), Jeff
Mann (http://jeffmann.com), Martin Howse (http://1010.co.uk), Fredrik
Olofsson (http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/), Florian Cramer
(http://cramer.plaintext.cc:70/), Brendan Howell, , jo FRGMNT
xxxxx, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119
U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.
Telephone: 3050187482.
derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 116:
"Make an exhaustive list of everything you might do and do the last
thing on the list"
SIMULTAN04 Festival - Screening - Call for entry | www.simultan.org
SIMULTAN04 - Video and Media Arts Festival will take place in Timisoara, Romania
between May 22nd -24th 2008.
Under the theme "Temporary Tactics", Simultan04 explores a conflict situation,
a difficult cohabitation between the independent audio-visual works and the cultural,
social and political context in which they are born.
"Temporary Tactics" wishes to highlight time and space connected "speculative" situations,
the practice of acting and reacting, of making and creating,
in the moment and in response to the stimulus of one's immediate environment.
SIMULTAN04 is open for submissions of innovative works which that make use of technology
in a creative, ingenious way or are based on a peculiar, unusual story.
The video section is open to all video artists and not only, who can apply with narratives,
experimental videos, animations, vj-ing movies and motion graphics.
Those interested may apply with a maximum number of 2 video works,
each having a duration that must not exceed 3 minutes.
Terms and conditions, technical details, application form here:
The deadline for the submission of works and applications is April 10th, 2008 (postmark)
After the event, a DVD/catalogue will be published, each of the admitted participants
will receive a DVD/catalogue by the end of 2008.
no application fee required!
For additional information please contact: Levente Kozma
email: simultan[at]simultan.org, tel: +40-740.300.806
for more details please visit www.simultan.org
a video review of SIMULTAN03
Pd-Workshop with Derek Holzer and Frank Barknecht in Halle(Saale)/
Academy of Fine Arts and Design Burg Giebichenstein in conjunction
with Werkleitz Association will organize a Pure Data Workshop from
the 2nd to the 6th of April 2008
First half of the Workshop will be held by Derek Holzer in English,
the second part will be held in German by Frank Barknecht.
Details in german:
Pure Data – visuelles Programmieren für Künstler
Frank Barknecht (Medienkünstler, Musiker und Autor, Köln)
Derek Holzer (Medienkünstler, Berlin)
Ursprünglich für die Komposition elektronischer Musik gedacht, ist
Pure Data zu einem Werkzeug geworden, mit dem sich unterschiedlichste
mediale Projekte verwirklichen lassen - von interaktiven
Installationen bis zu audiovisuellen Performances. Pure Data folgt
der Logik des Verkabelns und ist eine gerade bei KünstlerInnen
beliebte Programmierumgebung. Die visuelle, datenstromorientierte
Struktur erlaubt es, auch ohne Informatik-Kenntnisse komplexe
Programme zu entwickeln. Pure Data ist das quelloffene und freie
Pendant zur kommerziell vertriebenen Software MAX/MSP.
Der Workshop findet in Kooperation mit dem Fachgebiet Medienkunst der
Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule für Kunst und Design im sogenannten
Gärtnerhaus, Seebener Str. 2 statt.
Einführung: 70 EUR, ermäßigt: 50 EUR
Fortgeschrittene: 80 EUR, ermäßigt: 60 EUR
beide Kurse zusammen 120 EUR, ermäßigt: 90 EUR
Anzahl der TeilnehmerInnen
5 (+ 15 StudentInnen der Hochschule)
Kosten (für nicht an der Hochschule Burg Giebichenstein
kompletter kurs: 120 EUR, ermäßigt: 90 EUR
Unterkunft in Halle kann organisiert werden.
Strange Attractor vs Disinformation
"Circuit Blasting" + "National Grid"
Wed 5 March 7.30pm £5
Life Theatre
Centre For Life
Times Square
Newcastle upon Tyne
+ Shunt Vaults, London Bridge, 4 + 5 June 2008,
details TBC
Hope you enjoy :)
1. Disinformation "Stargate" sound installation
Solar noise recordings on Ash International 1996
2. Disinformation "Ghost Shells" sound installation
VLF radio noise from geomagnetic whistlers 1996
3. Disinformation "Angel" video installation
Based on the "Antiphony" CD artwork 1997
4. Disinformation "London Underground" 2002
Based on an idea published on the ÂR&D2Â CD in 1997
5. Disinformation vs Semiconductor + text
Sunspots, Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections
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`hello process`
Workshop `hello process`
5-6-7 March 2008
10:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
Sign, Winschoterkade 10, Groningen, NL
Booking: signnl -at- gmail -dot- com
Costs: Free!
Max: 12 participants
Level: Beginner
Chaos theory, finite state machines, randomness, entropy, non linear
systems and non deterministic automata, l-systems, self-similar series,
recursions and iterations. WTF? LOLZ
During this 3 day workshop, the participants will be introduced to
dataflow programming, simple Digital Signal Processing, generative and
algorithmic techniques that they will be able to apply in any other
field once the course is completed.
The goal of the workshop is not to learn a new software, but to get
acquainted with certain techniques and strategies for the creation of a
media art work or design. The software Pure Data will be used to
illustrate most of the different techniques, but the emphasis will be
put on introducing and explaining the generative processes so the
participant can understand them and will be able to implement these
techniques in his/her work.
The participants who are interested in learning more about the software
used in the workshop, can come to the Openlab sessions following the
The workshop is based on 100% Free/Libre/Open Source Software. All the
material used during the workshop will be available on-line under an
open content license. During the workshop we’ll work with the pure:dyne
GNU/Linux operating system.
No previous knowledge of programming is required, but knowing how to use
computers is :)
more information:
Openlab Groningen Kickstart
11, 13, 18, 20, 25 and 27 March 2008
between 14.00 and 18.00
Sign, Winschoterkade 10, Groningen
Costs: Free!
Join us for 6 afternoon sessions of Openlab Groningen! The Openlab is a
workspace equipped with 6 workstations running a wide variety of open
source software for artists and designers. The goal of the lab is to
kick start a community in Groningen that brings together local
artists/designers/programmers that work with or are interested to work
with open source software.
The lab in Groningen will kick off with the 3 day workshop 'hello
process'. After the workshop the lab will be open for 3 weeks on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14.00 until 18.00. The lab is open to
everyone interested in making, researching, exchanging, learning or
simply working, having a (lot of) coffee and a chat. Permanent
inhabitants of the lab: 'hello process' artists Aymeric Mansoux and
Marloes de Valk from digital art collective GOTO10 (bring cookies plz).
Openlab Groningen will be the third European Openlab. The first Openlab
started 3 years ago in London. The lab organises performances,
exhibitions and meetings. The project stimulates the use of open source
software through the organisation of events. The second lab in existence
is Openlab Glasgow. It started a year ago, and is a collective that is
open to artists who are interested in the use of technology within their
arts practice. The group is based on the sharing and exchange of skills,
collaborative projects and the exchange of ideas.
more info:
`hello process` lectures: in rand() we trust!
13 March 2008, 20.00 - 22.30
Sign, Winschoterkade 10, Groningen
Guests: Florian Cramer, Dave Griffiths, Arie Altena, Adger Stokvisch,
Aymeric Mansoux, and Marloes de Valk
Costs: Free!
During this evening we will be questioning the nature and purpose of
generative art. With 4 lectures and an open talk, we investigate whether
or not generative art is indeed an art form or just a technique. Is it
possible to make a distinction between generative processes,
applications of generative processes and generative processes as a
conceptual ground for software art? Does the term generative art apply
to screen savers, alife, fractal art,, conceptual software/code art and
poetry alike? Is it even important to make this distinction? The term
generative art has been around for a while now, and is applied to
extremely diverse works and opposite artistic approaches. No more! It's
time to fork! (again!)
more info: