Hey all,
I've been working a bunch with Open Embedded distros as part of the
Reware project, so I thought I'd throw up some binaries. They
haven't been tested much, so tell us how they worked for you. There
are Familiar and Angstrom builds there, now, with more to come.
These should work on iPAQs and Palms.
There are also some Tcl/Tk packages there, in case you need them:
I am building OpenMoko packages now, that'll take a while since I
have to build the whole environment.
I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three
meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds,
and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits. - Martin
Luther King, Jr.
As several of you might already know, now it is official.
Check this out:
A fully functional Pd just hit the iphone appstore, and you can create
Pd patches
with the system and run them on the iPhone.
There are some details though, which make it hard to put your patches
on the phone.
(due to apples security policy). One is, that you need a jailbroken
iPhone and use the
commandline in order to upload the patches ... but it is explained on
the webpage how
this is done. Actually if you have done it once it is quite easy.
For further question contact the RJDJ team at info(a)rjdj.me
Hey all, if you are near NYC, come join us in putting Pd on old PDAs
and iPods:
> October 14: Open source your mobile devices
> Untethered workshop
> Date: Tues., Oct. 14, 7PM
> Location: Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St., NYC
> Cost: Free
> Got an old iPod? Install iPodLinux on it and turn it into an 8-bit
> sequencer or touchscreen guitar. Or hook up an Arduino to your old
> wifi router and discover what's possible.
> This workshop is based on the idea of making iPods, wifi routers and
> PDAs "generative", by changing their software to enable creative
> experimentation. Until recently, only very skilled hackers were able
> to "untether" their own devices. Thanks to the work of so many
> hackers, it's getting easier. Yes, there are still irksome technical
> details master, but that's what this workshop is for!
> Eyebeam resident Hans-Christoph Steiner, together with Chris "the
> Widget" DiMauro will lead the workshop. They've been collecting a
> wide range of devices and hacking them with free software and now
> want to help you do the same.
> Check the wiki to determine if your seemingly obsolete devices are
> supported, and if so, bring them along: http://dev.eyebeam.org/
> projects/reware/wiki/Workshop
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"It is convenient to imagine a power beyond us because that means we
don't have to examine our own lives.", from "The Idols of
Environmentalism", by Curtis White
Ahoy, Matey!
Shorry fer >< please >> Aye!
Data Jam workshop: synaesthesia happy hour
16-17 October - Goldsmiths, University of London
BOOKING: Send mini bio to Beatrice, cu701mf-at-gold.ac.uk
PREREQUISITES: basic understanding of computers and digital art
TEACHERS: Graham Harwood, Claude Heiland-Allen, Aymeric Mansoux
"synaesthesia happy hour" is a 2 days workshop that will introduce you
to data mapping and basic synaesthetic tricks to get you started making
real-time audiovisual experiments based on incoming data taken from
various sources. In this crash course we will focus on how a single
source of information (for example data from a sensor, or a log file)
can be used to both generate sounds and visual. After the workshop you
will never see numbers the same! (your mileage may vary)
The workshop is targeted to beginners only, for artists and students
who are curious about data mapping and want to get introduced to Pure
Data (http://puredata.info/). We will run the software from the
pure:dyne GNU/Linux distribution (http://puredyne.goto10.org).
More information:
This workshop is part of the pure:dyne for everyone project, a national
project designed to make pure:dyne more accessible through special
events with partnering media arts centres across the country. pure:dyne
for everyone is possible with the support of the Creative Partnerships
programme of Arts Council England.
I just set up an apt repository to make it easy to install and
upgrade pd-extended. You can add it to /etc/apt/sources.list or
using Synaptic. Instructions are here:
This includes old releases, like for Debian/sarge, Ubuntu/edgy, etc.
'You people have such restrictive dress for women,’ she said,
hobbling away in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out
another pink-collar temp pool day. - “Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf
Come to the AVLAB opening this wednesday at 6pm, plus other activities
driven by Pd:
<Interactive Art Exhibition>
AVLAB 1.0 - A/V experimentation
*Project showcase: October** 1 -26 (opening: October 1, 6pm)*
The public presentation of the nine developed projects will take place
on Wednesday October 1 at 6pm. Projects such as /Pulverización' 3.0/, a
"bacterium" that processes and recycles electronic elements; /Waves to
Waves to Waves/, the visuals and sound of the electric waves of our
antennas, or a live cinema edition tactile device (/Sprocket/) will be
Two of the installations, /Bri 2.0/, by Marcel Bilurbina and Raúl Díaz,
and /W_space,/ by Tom Tatlim,will shown at EXPerimentaclub
<http://www.experimentaclub.com/fest08.htm> festival's Sound Projects
Showcase, from October 2 through 5 at La Casa Encendida
<http://www.lacasaencendida.es/> in Madrid.
*October 1 / **6pm to 8**:30pm
Projects presentation and opening of the exhibition
**October 1 **/ 11pm / @ Tempo Club
*AVLAB 1.0's last sonic stop. Live sound, experimental and audiovisual
performances by artists of the workshop: Olaconmuchospeces aka Diego
Javier Alberti / Sotaques (VJ Xorume + DJ/MC Gérson De Veras) / Servando
Barreiro / Noish ~ aka Oskar / James Webb / Groundrush aka Simon Dell /
Hans Christoph Steiner / Raúl Bri Díaz Pobrete / Tom Tlalim /
Josecarlos Flores / Lena Schniewind / Jaime Lobato / Alberto Cerro /
Roberto Moreno Maya / DJ Hidráulico.
@ Tempo Club <http://www.tempoclub.net> (Duque de Osuna, 8. Plaza de
España Metro Station). Free admission.*
**October 2 through 5 **/ 7pm-10pm / @ La Casa Encendida
*Two projects, */Bri 2.0/*, by Marcel Bilurbina and Raúl Díaz, and
/*W_space*,/ by Tom Tlalim and Paola Tognazzi, will integrate the* Sound
Projects Showcase* of EXPerimentaclub
<http://www.experimentaclub.com/fest08.htm> festival, an event that will
take place at La Casa Encendida <http://www.lacasaencendida.es/> of
Madrid from October 2 through 5 *@* *Espacio D of La Casa Encendia of
In collaboration with the Centro para la Difusión de la Música
Contemporánea, Experimentaclub08 , and LIMb0.
_[AVLAB 1.0 in pdf -Spanish-] <http://medialab-prado.es/mmedia/1348>_
<Open Call> International Project Development Workshop-Seminar
*November 3 - 18, 2008*
*Projects and Papers submission deadline: October 5, 2008
Call for Collaborators: October 15-31, 2008
Open and participatory workshop-seminar around the theory, tools and
visualization strategies in a urban context. Directed by José Luis de
Call for Projects:
Call for Papers:
In collaboration with FECYT
<Interactive Installation at the Plaza de las Letras>
*Every night **/ 9pm - 2am*
overlaps the net and the street, acting like a open space for public
expression in the city through http://plazanimada.es
Drawings sent by users are projected in a public way and share by the
users in the actual space of the Plaza de las Letras. [+info]
*More information: www.medialab-prado.es <http://medialab-prado.es>
*Download here <http://medialab-prado.es/mmedia/1350> the full
activities program
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Come see some PDAs and iPods running fun stuff made with Pd!
Begin forwarded message:
> UNTETHERED: A sculpture garden of readymades
> Eyebeam's Fall 2008 exhibition
> Featuring:
> Jessica Banks, Ayah Bdeir, Michel de Broin, Max Dean, Paul DeMarinis
> Kelly Dobson, Germaine Koh, JooYoun Paek, Sascha Pohflepp,
> Hans-Christoph Steiner, Thomson & Craighead, Nor_/d (Addie
> Wagenknecht and Stefan Hechenberger) and Joe Winter, curated by
> visiting fellow Sarah Cook
> September 25 - October 25, 2008
> Press preview: Thurs., Sept. 25, 11AM - 1PM
> (RSVP press(a)eyebeam.org)
> Exhibition opening: Thurs., Sept. 25, 6 - 8PM
> Eyebeam, 540 W. 21st St. (btw 10th and 11th Aves.)
> Michel de Broin, Dark Star, 2008
> New York City, September 5, 2008-Eyebeam is pleased to announce
> Untethered, a sculpture garden of everyday objects deprogrammed of
> their original function, embedded with new intelligence and
> transformed into surrealist and surprising readymades, including a
> photocopier that reads the night sky; a PDA turned guitar; and a
> piano that plays the Internet. The exhibition features pieces by 15
> artists working at the intersection of art and technology,
> including current and former Eyebeam residents and fellows, as well
> as leading international artists. Untethered opens September 25 and
> runs through October 25, and is accompanied by a downloadable audio
> guide (available at www.eyebeam.org).
> Sarah Cook, the exhibition's curator, cites the art-historical
> discourse on readymades, and current ideas concerning the designed
> obsolescence-or shelf life-of consumable technologies as her
> inspiration for the show. "The idea of the readymade hinges on a
> mysterious quality of displacement, wherein objects are not just
> decontextualized, but actually transplanted from one realm of
> experience to another," Cook said.
> "In researching the work of Eyebeam's resident artists I read [MoMA
> curator] Margit Rowell's writing on the readymade and identified a
> link to contemporary "hacks" and instances where artists have
> deprogrammed technological objects in order to create a kind of
> magical experience for the viewer." This "otherworldly" aesthetic
> is evident in the works on view, such as in Michel de Broin's
> sculpture Dead Star (2008), an inert asteroid of nearly depleted
> batteries, and Joe Winter's Xerox Astronomy (2008), in which a
> generic photocopier and desk lamp are transformed into elements
> within the cosmic system used by an imagined observer.
> Additionally, as a show of objects that have been tinkered with,
> invented, and allowed to be "generative", that is, open to
> experimentation and other use, Untethered presents a deliberate
> reference to the notion of "tethered appliances" (a term used by
> Internet scholar Jonathan Zittrain in his book The Future of the
> Internet and How to Stop It, Yale University Press and Penguin UK,
> 2008)-technologies, such as iPods or cell phones, that contain
> proprietary software and are tied to single uses or networks. In
> this, the exhibition ties into Eyebeam's recently launched Open
> Culture Research Group, a forum for the investigation of free and
> open source software and hardware.
> Both displaced and in some cases deprogrammed, the pieces in
> Untethered ask us why we understand some things as useful hardware
> and other things not. For instance, how does an inflated garbage
> bag become a way to disguise your bike, as in JooYoun Paek's Not
> Bicycle Cover (2008)? Neither prototypes nor edgy products, the
> works in the exhibition will surely invite conversation on the
> semantic barriers between the worlds of art, design and technology.
> Artists
> Ayah Bdeir and Jessica Banks, both fellows in Eyebeam's R&D
> OpenLab, have collaborated to realize a new work in the form of a
> chandelier that is constantly redrawing itself (Chandelier in 4,
> 2008). Jessica Banks will also show her latest experiment in
> creating responsive and interactive furniture: a table that appears
> to levitate in its own magnetic field (Table, from the Cubed
> Series, 2008). www.ayahbdeir.com, www.jessicabanks.com
> Michel de Broin, an internationally recognized artist from Montreal
> who is based in Berlin, and winner of the 2007 Sobey Art Award,
> will show his recent sculptures, including Dead Star (2008) and
> Great Encounter (2008), an investigation into the isolation of
> appliances. www.micheldebroin.org
> Max Dean is an internationally acclaimed media artist from Toronto
> and winner of the 2005 Gershon Iskowitz Prize for visual arts. His
> piece in Untethered, So, This Is It? (2001), is a clock that wipes
> away an image of its viewer's face, and has never been shown in New
> York. www.roboticchair.com
> Paul DeMarinis, an artist based in California, will show a piece
> from his series Hypnica (2007), a collection of hacked metronomes
> that lull visitors with the voices of hypnotists. www.well.com/
> ~demarini
> Kelly Dobson, an artist based at MIT's Media Lab, presents her
> responsive hacked technologies including Blendie (2003 - 04), a
> blender that responds only to growling noises, and Toastie (2004),
> a toaster that operates when hummed at. web.media.mit.edu/~monster
> Germaine Koh, an internationally recognized artist from Vancouver,
> presents a work from her Fair Weather Forces series (2008), in
> which live tide and water-level data control a velvet rope barrier
> in the gallery. www.germainekoh.com
> Eyebeam alum JooYoun Paek shows new projects created from the
> infrastructure of the city, including Not Bicycle Cover (2008), a
> bicycle cover fashioned from inflated garbage bags, and Nothing In
> It (2008), a handbag that sounds its contents when opened.
> www.jooyounpaek.com
> Sascha Pohflepp, a German artist and student in the Design
> Interactions program at the Royal College of Art, London, presents,
> for the first time in North America, the stylish Buttons (2006): a
> lens-free camera that takes other people's pictures. www.pohflepp.com
> Hans-Christoph Steiner, currently a resident artist at Eyebeam,
> presents Reware (2008), hacked electronic devices for visitors to
> play with, including a Linux- and PureData (PD)-programmed PDA
> turned three-string guitar. www.at.or.at/hans
> Thomson & Craighead, a UK team who has been making art from the
> Internet for more than 15 years, display Unprepared Piano (2003), a
> Yamaha Disklavier that plays MIDI files collected from the web, at
> random. www.thomson-craighead.net
> Addie Wagenknecht, a fellow in Eyebeam's Production Lab, has
> collaborated with Stefan Hechenberger under the name Nor_/d, on
> Shadow Project (2008), a responsive architectural environment of
> motor-controlled wires and fabric. www.nortd.com
> Joe Winter, an Eyebeam alum and a recent recipient of a MacDowell
> Colony residency, presents his newly commissioned work, Xerox
> Astronomy and the Nebulous Object-Image Archive (2008), a modernist
> cubic structure in which a standard office copier is used as a
> central light source for reading the surrounding cosmos.
> www.severalprojects.com
> Curator
> Sarah Cook is the 2008 inaugural curatorial fellow at Eyebeam. She
> comes to Eyebeam from CRUMB (www.crumbweb.org), the UK-based online
> resource for curators of new media art, at the University of
> Sunderland, where she is a post-doctoral researcher. Sarah has been
> curating exhibitions of new media art in North America and Europe
> for the past 10 years, at venues including the Walker Art Center,
> the National Gallery of Canada, BALTIC Center for Contemporary Art,
> The Edith Russ Haus for Media Art, The Walter Phillips Gallery at
> the Banff Centre, AV Festival and Cornerhouse, Manchester. Her
> fellowship at Eyebeam is supported, in part, by the Arts and
> Humanities Research Council, UK.
> Related events
> Untethered's public programming takes its cue from Eyebeam's
> ongoing research into open source software and hardware. Events
> celebrating hacking and discussions of the issues surrounding
> patents and copyrights, art and designed obsolescence, will take
> place over the course of the exhibition.
> Thursday, September 25, 6PM: The Untethered opening reception,
> featuring artist talks with Germaine Koh, Michel de Broin, Kelly
> Dobson and Sascha Pohflepp, as well as an introduction by the
> exhibition's curator, Sarah Cook.
> Tuesday, October 14, 7PM: Workshop: Open source your mobile devices!
> Eyebeam resident Hans-Christoph Steiner hosts a workshop on hacking
> devices such as iPods, wifi routers and PDAs.
> Tuesday, October 21, 7PM: Presentation: Performing Machines:
> Untethered artists present their instrumental hacks. With JooYoun
> Paek and others.
> Saturday, October 25, 5PM: Panel discussion: Untethered curator
> Sarah Cook leads a discussion on art, design and obsolescence. The
> panel features Jessica Banks, Ayah Bdeir and lawyer Elizabeth
> Stark, founder of Harvard's Free Culture group and researcher for
> Jonathan Zittrain's book The Future of The Internet. The talk will
> be followed by the exhibition's closing reception.
> For further information and details about these events please
> visit: www.eyebeam.org
> Images
> Images for publication are available upon request and online at:
> www.flickr.com/photos/eyebeam/sets/72157607128132407/
> A pdf of the press release is available online at: http://
> www.eyebeam.org/about/about.php?page=release
> Credits
> Thanks to:
> The British Council, for supporting Sascha Pohflepp's participation
> in Untethered;
> Frank and Camille Sicari, for the loan of the piano;
> Solar One, for partnership on the waterfront location for the work
> of Germaine Koh.
> ###
> Founded in 1997, Eyebeam is an art and technology center that
> provides a fertile context and state-of-the-art tools for digital
> experimentation. It is a lively incubator of creativity and
> thought, where artists and technologists actively engage with the
> larger culture, addressing the issues and concerns of our time.
> Eyebeam challenges convention, celebrates the hack, educates the
> next generation, encourages collaboration, freely offers its output
> to the community, and invites the public to share in a spirit of
> openness: open source, open content and open distribution.
> Eyebeam's current programs are made possible through the generous
> support of The Annenberg Foundation, The Arts and Humanities
> Research Council, UK, The Atlantic Foundation, The Pacific
> Foundation, the Johnson Art and Education Foundation, the Jerome
> Foundation, Deep Green Living, ConEdison, Datagram, Electric
> Artists Inc.; public funds from New York City Council Speaker
> Christine C. Quinn, the New York City Department of Cultural
> Affairs, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the New York
> State Council on the Arts, a state agency; and many generous
> individuals. Sarah Cook's fellowship is supported by a partnership
> with CRUMB at the University of Sunderland, UK. For a complete list
> of Eyebeam supporters, please visit www.eyebeam.org.
> Location: 540 W. 21st Street between 10th & 11th Avenues
> Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 12:00 - 6:00pm
> Bookstore: Tuesday - Saturday, 12:00 - 6:00pm
> Admission: All events are free to the public with a suggested
> donation unless otherwise noted.
Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. -
David Zicarelli
The Akiyoshidai International Art Village (AIAV) will be hosting a performance/installation built with Pd based on a local Japanese garden, Sesshutei. A performance will take place on Sep. 25th, 6:30pm on the grounds of the AIAV and includes a collaboration with Yokohama audio firm and speaker manufacturer Taguchi (http://www.taguchi-mk.com/english/TopPage.html).
The 8-channel installation is based on soundscape recordings collected from Sesshutei garden and uses the unique spatial predilections of the original garden as model for the sound diffusion. Composed and conceived by Australian artist Michael Fowler, the work also seeks to present the idea of the Otoniwashi (sound gardener) as a auditory manifestation of the Niwashi (Japanese garden designer).
Details can be found in Japanese and English at:
See how Windows connects the people, information, and fun that are part of your life.
++ Updates from VJ Theory project ++
VJ Theory.net intends to develop a community actively discussing and
reflecting on philosophy and theory related with Vjing, performed media and
realtime interaction.
At last the book *VJam Theory: Collective Writings on Realtime Visual
Performance* is ready and available for purchase. For those of you who don't
know, the book is the outcome of our third experiment in collective
theoretical writing, *VJam Theory*. You will find on the website the
necessary information to buy the book online:
The original transcript will continue to be available at VJ Theory website
for free: http://www.vjtheory.net/vjamtheory.html
VJ Theory will be publishing new texts online on a monthly basis, through a
period between October 2008 and March 2009. At the end of this period,
realtime books will publish a print version of these texts (as many people
have requested). We are also attempting to make the site less
Anglo-Americocentric. We will be publishing non English versions of the
texts (whenever possible), in order to make the site multilingual. Should
you have a text that you would like us to publish please get in touch. If
anyone would like to translate some work we would also like to hear from
Our email address: vjtheory(a)yahoo.co.uk
We are also establishing a mailing list. Instructions on subscribing are
available on the first page of VJ Theory web site (http://www.vjtheory.net).
In this way you will be kept up to date on new work appearing online,
events and discussions on and off line.
As usual, should you have any suggestions for projects or essays you would
like us to publish then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best Regards,
Ana and Brendan
Brendan Byrne