*Open Up Workshop: Projects for the digital facade of Medialab-Prado**
**February **9 - 23, 2010
*Venue: *Medialab-Prado* in Madrid (Spain)
Open Up has just started! About 70 artists, designers, architects,
programmers and many other interested people from all over the world are
already working in this exciting workshop to create contents for the
first digital facade for artistic purposes of Madrid, a 150m2 and 27.000
LEDs (pixels) screen.
In this event 7 projects selected through an international open call
will be collaboratively developed within this next 2 weeks.
The goal of this project production workshop is to explore the
relationship with the urban space by opening production processes
through different citizen participation strategies. Selected projects
are being developed with the aid of tutors and technical assistants such
as *Jordi Claramonte*, *Chandler McWilliams*, *Casey Reas, **Víctor
Viña*,* Chris Sugrue *and *Massimo Avvisati*.
The programme includes theoretical activities on *February **9**, **10
and**** 16*, with lectures by tutors and lecturers such as *Erkki
Huhtamo* and *Jennifer Steimkamp*. You can follow all lectures and
project presentations through *live streaming*.
We have just created a new experience to document the process through a
*blog* to spread the contents generated during the workshop, using
social networks, video platforms, feeds, microblogging, etc.
Directed by *Nerea Calvillo*.* *
More information: http://medialab-prado.es/article/taller_open_up
medianeralab (at) medialab-prado.es
Plaza de las Letras
Calle Alameda, 15
28014 Madrid (Spain)
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754
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Call for participation Workshop hello wor(l)d!
(dutch version below)
The workshop hello wor(l)d! is an introduction to 3 different artistic
approaches to programming, using three different programming styles:
graphical, textual (code poetry) and live coding. The workshop gives a
taste of all three flavours and is meant as inspiration and exploration
for those artists curious about these forms of art. You cannot learn how
to program in 3 days, especially not in 3 different ways, but it is well
worth giving different languages and styles a try.
Day 1: Pure Data by IOhannes Zmölnig
Day 2: Microcodes by Pall Thayer
Day 3: Fluxus by Dave Griffiths and Gabor Papp
No previous programming experience required, as long as you're not
afraid to work in a terminal. Basic experience with any scripting or
markup language (even if it is HTML/CSS) will make it easier to follow.
Date: 2, 3 and 4 March 2010
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Entrance: free!
Venue: het Paleis (Erlenmeyer zaal), Boterdiep 111, Groningen (NL)
Registration: limited places available. Please send your name, phone
number and CV to signnl(a)gmail.com before February 20 2010. If you are
bringing a laptop, please specify your operating system.
Hello wor(l)d! is part of make art, an international festival focused on
Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) and open content in digital
arts. Make art offers performances, presentations, workshops and an
exhibition, focused on the blurred line between art and software
The fifth edition - chmod +x art - will take place in Groningen (NL),
from the 2nd to the 7th of March 2010.
Organised by Sign and GOTO10
Oproep tot deelname Workshop hello wor(l)d!
De workshop hello wor(l)d! is een kennismaking met 3 verschillende
artistieke benaderingen tot programmeren: grafisch, code (poetry), en
live coding. De workshop laat de deelnemer proeven van alle drie de
smaken en is bedoelt als inspiratie en ontdekkingstocht voor kunstenaars
die nieuwsgierig zijn naar deze vormen van kunst. Je kunt niet leren
programmeren in 3 dagen, en al helemaal niet op 3 verschillende
manieren, maar het is heerlijk om te kunnen ervaren hoe de verschillende
talen en stijlen je bevallen.
Dag 1: Pure Data met IOhannes Zmölnig
Dag 2: Microcodes met Pall Thayer
Dag 3: Fluxus met Dave Griffiths en Gabor Papp
Geen programmeerervaring vereist, zolang je maar niet bang bent om in
een terminal te werken. Basis ervaring met wat voor scripting of markup
taal dan ook (al is het HTML/CSS) maakt het makkelijker om alles te
Datum: 2, 3 en 4 maart 2010
Tijd: 10:00 - 17:00
Toegang: gratis!
Locatie: het Paleis (Erlenmeyer zaal), Boterdiep 111, Groningen
Registratie: beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar. Stuur je naam,
telefoonnummer en CV naar signnl(a)gmail.com voor 20 februari 2010. Als
je een laptop mee wilt nemen, laat ons dan weten welk operating
Hello wor(l)d is onderdeel van make art, een internationaal festival
rond Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) en open content in digitale
kunst. Make art biedt performances, presentaties, workshops en een
expositie, rond de vage grens tussen kunst en het programmeren van
De vijfde editie - chmod +x art - vindt plaats in Groningen (NL) van 2
tot en met 7 maart 2010.
Georganiseerd door Sign en GOTO10
LoMus 2010
À la recherche des logiciels libres pour la création sonore et intermedia
Pour sa troisième édition, Lomus 2010 s’adresse à tous ceux qui s’aventurent dans le développement de logiciels libres musicaux ou de logiciels libres qui peuvent contribuer au processus de la création musicale.
En regard d'un des 2 thèmes mis en avant lors de cette édition des JIMs : "L'Œuvre musicale face à l'hétérogène : problématique de la mixité", le concours LoMus encourage plus particulièrement les contributions intégrant ou s'hybridant avec d'autres médias. Ce thème n'est cependant pas restrictif.
Un prix sera remis aux logiciels qui font preuve non seulement d'innovation, mais notamment d'inventivité face aux enjeux actuels de la création musicale.
Appel à soumissions : 4 février 2010
Soumission des logiciels : 1 avril 2010
Notification d'acceptation : 1 mai 2010
Remise du prix lors des JIM : 20 mai 2010
info : concours.afim-asso.org
In search of open-source software for musical and intermedia creation
For its third edition, LoMus 2010 invites music and audio open-source software creators to submit original projects that either directly or indirectly contribute to musical creation.
In regard to one of the 2 themes for JIM's edition : "The musical work and heterogeneity: the problem of mixity", the LoMus contest will particularly encourage sonic/musical softwares integrating or hibridizing with other media. Though, this theme is not restrictive.
A prize will be awarded to open-source sofware that prove to be not only innovatory but also inventive in the present context of music and audio creation.
Call for submissions : February 4th 2010
Submission deadline : April 1st 2010
Admission notification : May 1st 2010
JIM Awards Ceremony : May 20th 2010
info : concours.afim-asso.org
JIM2010 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/ocs/index.php/jims/index