Here's multiblob for GridFlow.
It's actually my own implementation: it's not been ported from anywhere
else. Each cross is centered on the centroid (1st order moment) of its
corresponding region ("blob"), and the size of the cross is the square
root of the area of the region.
I will make another version which will use rotated rectangular crosses.
The two lines of each cross will represent the two radiuses of the
standard deviation of the region, and the angle will represent the angle
of the standard deviation. I will use [#moment_polar], an abstraction
based on [lti.Jacobi].
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 -
| Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
[english below] <#en>
Le 17 janvier 2007, à partir de 17h, le Studio XX vous convie à une
soirée festive à l'occasion de la Fête de l'Art!
**Point de rencontre à OBORO, 4001 Berri, local 301**
*Apportez votre lecteur CD portatif (ghettoblaster), lampe de poche,
chapeau de fête, flûte, et thermos.*
/Depuis la proclamation de l'artiste Fluxus, Robert Filliou, en 1963, le
17 janvier est la Fête de l'Art. Ainsi, l'art est né il y a environ
1,000,000 d'années, et des artistes et groupes d'artistes un peu partout
sur la planète s'activent à célébrer cet anniversaire en organisant des
événements internationaux et des happenings en réseau, en mangeant du
gâteau et en offrant des cadeaux à l'Art. À chaque année, la Fête de
l'Art devient une occasion d'échange entre artistes et entre événements.
La « Fête Permanente » s'agrandit ainsi d'année en année tout en
explorant les arts des télécommunications./
*:: 17h00*
Rendez-vous à OBORO, 4001 Berri, local 301 (thé, chocolat chaud seront
servis // apportez votre thermos !)
Installation interactive de *Jason E. Lewis*, /Everything You Thought
We'd Forgotten/
*:: 17h45 PM*
Départ de OBORO du parcours psychogéographique sonore, organisé par
*UpgradeMtl*, avec musique expérimentale et électronique de :
*I8U, Fishead, Tim Hecker, Saibotuk*.
*Apportez votre lecteur CD portable - ghettoblaster (n'oubliez pas vos
piles !). Des cds seront distribués.*
*:: 18h30*
Rendez-vous au Carré St-Louis où *Jasa Baka* et *Tyr Jami* (Parlour
Treats) nous attendent pour une courte performance festive et colorée
(**apportez chapeaux de fête et lampes de poche**).
//// Parlour Treats est un duo farfelu composé des deux soeurs Jasa Baka
et Tyr Jami. Elles vous invitent à une performance festive autour de
l'imaginaire du gâteau et de l'enfance. Essayez de venir en attraper un
morceau !
*:: 19h00+*
La fête se poursuit Au StudioXX
Performance de *Tyr Jami* (violoncelle)
Performance en réseau de *Kelly Andres* notre artiste résidente
virtuelle de Lethbridge, Alberta.
Musique, gâteaux et boissons des fêtes.
En collaboration avec Upgrade Mtl
Upgrade est une organisation autonome, internationale et rhizomatique de
rendez-vous mensuels pour la culture numérique et les arts
technologiques. Upgrade Montreal bénéficie du soutien généreux de la
Société des arts technologiques [SAT], ainsi que de ses réseaux formant
Upgrade International, des divers partenaires avec lesquels il
collabore, des artistes faisant don de leur temps, et de l'énergie
bénévole de son triumvirate organisateur formé de tobias c. van Veen,
Sophie Le-Phat Ho & Anik Fournier.
[+ de info en bas] <#info>
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
On January 17th 2007, starting at 5pm at OBORO, Studio XX invites you
to a celebration for The Art's Birthday!
**Meeting at OBORO, 4001 Berri, suite 301**
*Bring your portable cd player (ghettoblaster), flashlight, party hat,
and thermos.*
/Since the proclamation of Fluxus artist Robert Filliou in 1963, January
17th happens to be Art's Birthday. Art was thus born 1,000,000 years ago
and artists and artist groups everywhere around the globe celebrate this
important anniversary by organizing international events and network art
happenings, and by eating cake and offering gifts to Art. Every year,
Art's Birthday becomes an occasion for exchange between artists and art
events. The Eternal Network grows this way by exploring the
telecommunications arts./
*:: 5 pm*
Gathering at OBORO, 4001 Berri, suite 301 (tea and hot chocolate wil be
served // bring: your mug / thermos !
Interactive installation from *Jason E. Lewis*, /Everything You Thought
We'd Forgotten/.
*:: 5:45 pm*
Departure from OBORO for the psychogeographique sound walk, organized by
*UpgradeMtl*, with electronic music of :
*I8U, Fishead, Tim Hecker, Saibotuk*.
*Bring your portable CD ghettoblaster to broadcast the music in public.
(don't forget the batteries!). Cds will be distributed.*
*:: 6:30 pm*
Carré St-Louis with *Jasa Baka* and *Tyr Jami* (Parlour Treats) for a
short festive performance (**bring birthday hats and flashlights**)
//// Parlour Treats are Jasa Baka and Tyr Jami, an outlandish sister
team. They invite you into their outdoor Parlour for an experience of
cake. A treat you knew you wanted when you were five but couldn't reach
through to your imaginary world for. Come have a piece, if you can catch it!
*:: 7 pm +*
Art's Birthday party at the StudioXX
*Tyr Jami* performance (cello)
On-line performance by *Kelly Andres*, virtual resident from Lethbridge,
Alberta. Music, cakes, drinks!
En collaboration avec Upgrade Mtl
The Upgrade is an autonomous, international and grassroots organization
of monthly gatherings for digital culture and the technology arts.
Upgrade Montreal is generously supported by the Society for Arts and
Technology [SAT], through networks of the Upgrade International, the
various partners we work with, the artists who donate their time and the
personal energies of its organizer triumvirate of tobias c. van Veen,
Sophie Le-Phat Ho & Anik Fournier.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
StudioXX : 514-845-7934 <>
programmation(a) <> <> <> <> <>
<> <>
Annonces mailing list
I've just committed a fix for [#import_pix] and [#export_pix], that I had
made a while ago but forgot to commit. It allows those to work with Ruby
1.8 on OSX, or something.
It's in the GridFlow CVS now.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 -
| Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
[english] <#en>
Le 17 janvier 2007, à partir de 17h, le Studio XX vous convie à une
soirée festive à l'occasion de la Fête de l'Art!
**Point de rencontre à OBORO**
**Apportez votre lecteur CD portatif (ghettoblaster), lampe de poche,
chapeau de fête, flûte, et thermos.**
/Depuis la proclamation de l'artiste Fluxus, Robert Filliou, en 1963, le
17 janvier est la Fête de l'Art. Ainsi, l'art est né il y a environ
1,000,000 d'années, et des artistes et groupes d'artistes un peu partout
sur la planète s'activent à célébrer cet anniversaire en organisant des
événements internationaux et des happenings en réseau, en mangeant du
gâteau et en offrant des cadeaux à l'Art. À chaque année, la Fête de
l'Art devient une occasion d'échange entre artistes et entre événements.
La « Fête Permanente » s'agrandit ainsi d'année en année tout en
explorant les arts des télécommunications./
*:: 17h00*
Rendez-vous à OBORO, 4001 Berri, local 301 (thé, chocolat chaud seront
servis // apportez votre thermos !)
Installation interactive de *Jason E. Lewis*, /Everything You Thought
We'd Forgotten/
*:: 17h45 PM*
Départ de OBORO du parcours psychogéographique sonore, organisé par
*UpgradeMtl*, avec musique expérimentale et électronique de :
*I8U, Fishead, Tim Hecker, Saibotuk*.
*Apportez votre lecteur CD portable - ghettoblaster (n'oubliez pas vos
piles !). Des cds seront distribués.*
*:: 18h30*
Rendez-vous au Carré St-Louis où *Jasa Baka* et *Tyr Jami* (Parlour
Treats) nous attendent pour une courte performance festive et colorée
(**apportez chapeaux de fête et lampes de poche**).
//// Parlour Treats est un duo farfelu composé des deux soeurs Jasa Baka
et Tyr Jami. Elles vous invitent à une performance festive autour de
l'imaginaire du gâteau et de l'enfance. Essayez de venir en attraper un
morceau !
*:: 19h00+*
La fête se poursuit Au StudioXX
Performance de *Tyr Jami* (violoncelle)
Performance en réseau de *Kelly Andres* notre artiste résidente
virtuelle de Lethbridge, Alberta.
Musique, gâteaux et boissons des fêtes.
En collaboration avec Upgrade Mtl
Upgrade est une organisation autonome, internationale et rhizomatique de
rendez-vous mensuels pour la culture numérique et les arts
technologiques. Upgrade Montreal bénéficie du soutien généreux de la
Société des arts technologiques [SAT], ainsi que de ses réseaux formant
Upgrade International, des divers partenaires avec lesquels il
collabore, des artistes faisant don de leur temps, et de l'énergie
bénévole de son triumvirate organisateur formé de tobias c. van Veen,
Sophie Le-Phat Ho & Anik Fournier.
[+ de info] <#info>
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
On January 17th 2007, starting at 5pm at OBORO, Studio XX invites
you to a celebration for The Art's Birthday!
**Meeting at OBORO**
**Bring your portable cd player (ghettoblaster), flashlight, party hat,
and thermos.**
/Since the proclamation of Fluxus artist Robert Filliou in 1963, January
17th happens to be Art's Birthday. Art was thus born 1,000,000 years ago
and artists and artist groups everywhere around the globe celebrate this
important anniversary by organizing international events and network art
happenings, and by eating cake and offering gifts to Art. Every year,
Art's Birthday becomes an occasion for exchange between artists and art
events. The Eternal Network grows this way by exploring the
telecommunications arts./
*:: 5 pm*
Gathering at OBORO, 4001 Berri, suite 301 (tea and hot chocolate wil be
served // bring: your mug / thermos !
Interactive installation from *Jason E. Lewis*, /Everything You Thought
We'd Forgotten/.
*:: 5:45 pm*
Departure from OBORO for the psychogeographique sound walk, organized by
*UpgradeMtl*, with electronic music of :
*I8U, Fishead, Tim Hecker, Saibotuk*.
*Bring your portable CD ghettoblaster to broadcast the music in public.
(don't forget the batteries!). Cds will be distributed.*
*:: 6:30 pm*
Carré St-Louis with *Jasa Baka* and *Tyr Jami* (Parlour Treats) for a
short festive performance (**bring birthday hats and flashlights**)
//// Parlour Treats are Jasa Baka and Tyr Jami, an outlandish sister
team. They invite you into their outdoor Parlour for an experience of
cake. A treat you knew you wanted when you were five but couldn't reach
through to your imaginary world for. Come have a piece, if you can catch it!
*:: 7 pm +*
Art's Birthday party at the StudioXX
*Tyr Jami* performance (cello)
On-line performance by *Kelly Andres*, virtual resident from Lethbridge,
Alberta. Music, cakes, drinks!
En collaboration avec Upgrade Mtl
The Upgrade is an autonomous, international and grassroots organization
of monthly gatherings for digital culture and the technology arts.
Upgrade Montreal is generously supported by the Society for Arts and
Technology [SAT], through networks of the Upgrade International, the
various partners we work with, the artists who donate their time and the
personal energies of its organizer triumvirate of tobias c. van Veen,
Sophie Le-Phat Ho & Anik Fournier.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
StudioXX : 514-845-7934 <>
programmation(a) <> <> <> <> <>
<> <>
Annonces mailing list
[/English follows <#en>/]
Rappel/Mise à jour
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes pour les cours qui débuteront en début
d'année prochaine au Studio XX. Il reste quelques places.
Venez vous inscrire au studio ou envoyez nous vos chèques pour réserver
vos places au plus vite.
* *Dreamweaver + html*
: le lundi soir de 18h à 21h à partir du /29 janvier/ - durée :
18h, tarif : 225$
* *Flash*
: le mardi soir de 18h à 21h à partir du /30 janvier/ - durée :
18h, tarif : 225$
* *Electronique et microcontrôleur intermédiaire* : le jeudi soir de
18h à 21h à partir du /8 février/ - durée : 18h, tarif : 225$
* *Pure data :*
o /classe mixte débutant
et intermédiaire
: les samedis matin de 10h30 à 13h30 à partir du /27 janvier
/- durée : 18h, tarif : 170$
o /pratique supervisée par une personne experte/ le samedi
après midi - durée : 12h, tarif : 100$
o /classe mixte + pratique supervisée/ forfait combiné 250$
* *Atelier MAX/MSP/jitter niveau 2** : le dimanche de 13h à 17h,
partir du /14 janvier/.
* Voir le rappel pour l'atelier
Pour plus d'information : 514-845-7934 ou ateliers(a)
Registration is now open for the Studio XX workshops, starting in the
new year. There are still a few spaces left.
Come sign yourself up at the Studio or send us a cheque to reserve your
spot as soon as possible.
* *Dreamweaver and HTML*
Monday evenings from 6-9pm, starting /29 January/, lasting 18
hours. Cost: $225
* *Flash*
Tuesday evenings from 6-9pm, starting /22 January/, lasting 18
hours. Cost: $225
* *Intermediate level electronics and microcontrollers**: Thursday
evenings from 6-9pm, starting /8 February/, lasting 18 hours.
Cost: $225
* *Pure Data*:
o /Mixed class for beginner
and intermediate
Saturday mornings from 10:30am - 1:30pm, starting /27
January/, lasting 18 hours. Cost: $170
o /Practice/work session, with expert supervision/, Saturday
afternoons, lasting 12 hours. Cost $100
o /Combined mixed class and supervised practice session/: $250
* *MAX/MSP/jitter*, level 2*, Sundays from 1-5pm, starting /14 January/.
* See the workshop reminder
For more information : 514-845-7934 or ateliers(a)
338, Terrasse Saint-Denis, Montréal (Québec) H2X 1E8
ateliers : (514) 845-0289 /
Le Studio XX remercie ses membres et ses partenaires pour leur
contribution généreuse : Le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec,
le Conseil des arts du Canada et le Conseil des arts de Montréal. Studio
XX thanks its members and partners for their continued generous support
: the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canadian Arts
Council, the Conseil des arts de Montréal.
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec Conseil des arts du
CanadaConseil des arts de Montréal
Annonces mailing list
DPI no7
Date limite | Deadline : EXTENSION à/to *15 Jan. 2007*
Festival HTMlles 8 - Oct. 2007
The HTMlles Festival for Media Art and Networked Practices is a biennale
event held in Montreal. An initiative of StudioXX feminist digital art
and resource center, the HTMlles Festival is now entering it's 8th
edition under the thematic title of "Crowd Control".
'Des phénomènes récurrents d'inclusion et d'exclusion peuvent être
observés lorsque que sont pistés, à travers le temps, l'espace et les
approches théoriques, les mouvements migratoires de personnes, d'objets
et d'idées. La migrabilité est une mesure invisible permettant de
calculer les capacités de déplacements. Qui ou quoi peut se déplacer ?
Quelle part des informations est conservée et quelle autre ne l'est pas?
Quelle parties sont transférables? Quels sont les options possibles pour
contrôler les exclusions et les inclusions ?'
'Occurrences of inclusions and exclusions can be observed when tracking
a migrating person, object or concept through time and theory, as well
as space. The ability (or inability) to migrate is an invisible measure
for the capacity to move. Who/what is able to move? What information is
kept and what is left out? What is transferable and what is not? What
are possible options for controlling the inclusions and exclusions ?'
The festival has developed into a vibrant International forum, bringing
together women and active feminists working with technology. Originally
founded as a 'web art' festival, the HTMlles maintains a focus on works
and dialogs related to networking.
The HTMlles festival invites guest projects and presenters and extends a
call for submissions of works to be selected by jury. HTMlles 8 : Crowd
Control will be held in Montreal in October 2007. The call for project
submission will close on January 5, 2007
The HTMlles festival is directed by curator Kyd Campbell in
collaboration with the team of StudioXX, a programming committee and a
dedicated festival staff.
links to further information and the online application forms: <> <>
++ Kyd Campbell, HTMlles Festival Director
contact: info(a) <>
338 Terrasse Saint-Denis, Montréal (Québec) H2X 1E8
À deux pas au sud de l'intersection Sherbrooke et St-Denis.
Just south of Sherbrooke, off St. Denis
Métro Sherbrooke, ou autobus 24 (Sherbrooke) ou 125 (Ontario).
(514) 845-0289 /
Information: info(a) <>
Le Studio XX est un centre d'artiste féministe engagé dans
l'exploration, la création et la critique en art technologique. Fondé à
Montréal en 1996, il vise à mettre de l'avant la multiplicité des
territoires, voix et actions créatives des femmes dans le cyberespace.
Le Studio XX remercie ses membres et ses partenaires pour leur
contribution généreuse : Le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec,
le Conseil des arts du Canada, le Conseil des arts de Montréal.
Founded in 1996, Studio XX is Montreal's foremost women's digital
resource centre. Through a variety of creative activities and
initiatives, the Studio works with women to demystify digital
technologies, to critically examine their social aspects, to facilitate
women's access to technology, and to create and exhibit women's new
digital art. Studio XX thanks its members and partners for their
continued generous support : the Conseil des arts et des lettres du
Québec, the Canadian Arts Council, Heritage Canada, the Conseil des arts
de Montréal, The Municipality of Montreal.
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec Conseil des arts du
CanadaConseil des arts de Montréal
Annonces mailing list
I'll be deeply immersed in this, since its in NYC. I hope to see
more Pders:
Begin forwarded message:
>> On behalf of the NIME07 Committee, we would like to invite you to be
>> part of the 7th International Conference on New Interfaces for
>> Musical
>> Expression (NIME), organized by Harvestworks and New York
>> University's
>> (NYU) Music Technology Program in partnership with LEMUR and the NYU
>> Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP).
>> We encourage contributions of the following kinds:
>> * Papers (full-length, short-length, posters)
>> * Demos
>> * Live Performances
>> * Installations
>> Complete submission guidelines are now available at
>> Submission deadlines
>> Installations and Performances
>> - January 31st 2007: Papers/posters, Demos, Live Performances,
>> Installations
>> Notification of acceptance
>> - March 9th 2007: Papers/posters, Demos, Live Performances,
>> Installations
>> Registration deadlines
>> - April 16th 2007: Early Registration (reduced fee)
>> Final text submission deadline
>> - April 16th 2007: Complete Camera-ready Papers and Abstracts
>> We invite the submission of papers on topics related to new
>> interfaces
>> for music performance including, but not restricted to
>> * Novel controllers and interfaces for musical expression
>> * Novel controllers for collaborative performance
>> * Novel musical instruments
>> * Augmented/hyper instruments
>> * Interfaces for dance and physical expression
>> * Interactive sound and multimedia installations
>> * Interactive sonification
>> * Sensor and actuator technologies
>> * Haptic and force feedback devices
>> * Interface protocols and data formats
>> * Gesture and music
>> * Robotics and music
>> * Perceptual & cognitive issues
>> * Interactivity design and software tools
>> * Musical mapping strategies
>> * Performance analysis and machine learning
>> * Performance rendering and generative algorithms
>> * Experiences with novel interfaces in education and entertainment
>> * Experiences with novel interfaces in live performance and
>> composition
>> * Surveys of past work and stimulating ideas for future research
>> * Historical studies in twentieth-century instrument design
>> * Reports on students projects in the framework of NIME related
>> courses
>> * Artistic, cultural, and social impact of NIME technology
>> Accepted presentation types are:
>> - Full Paper (6 pages in proceedings, longer oral presentation)
>> - Short Paper (4 pages in proceedings, shorter oral presentation)
>> - Poster (2 or 4 pages in proceedings, poster presentation)
>> Demo Sessions are an opportunity to support and discuss realized or
>> partially realized work with conference attendees, in an informal,
>> discursive way. Demos of technologies and applications that address
>> the topics listed above will be considered for selection.
>> Demonstrations are designed to give exhibitors an opportunity to show
>> material that benefits from having a physical presence at the
>> conference. It is important that there be a realized, demonstrable,
>> working component to all submissions to this category. This is
>> not to
>> say that Demos cannot be sketches or further ideas or future plans
>> for
>> the project - but an activity, process, action or actionable form of
>> the concept must exist as part of the Demo proposed.
>> Demos must include a 2 page poster to be displayed at the Demo
>> Sessions and included in the printed proceedings. The poster should
>> address the scientific/technical aspects of the project, acquired
>> experiences and/or the context of the development.
>> For those submitting papers, we will provide the possibility of
>> scheduling demo presentations within the dedicated Demo Sessions.
>> The submission
>> procedure will allow that a Demo option be chosen for any Paper
>> submission. An accepted paper will not guarantee an accepted demo.
>> Accepted presentation types are:
>> - Demo (Demonstration space plus 2 pages in proceedings)
>> A series of three evening concerts as well as 'NIME-at-night' events
>> at clubs will be organized during the conference to highlight
>> creative
>> use of interactive instrument technology and performance systems.
>> One
>> of the evening concerts will feature commissioned performers playing
>> work from their repertoire as well as pieces submitted through the
>> Live Performances call.
>> We welcome proposals for performances to be featured in the NIME 07
>> concerts.
>> Accepted presentation types are:
>> - Concert Performance (Performance slot plus program note in
>> proceedings)
>> - Club Performance (Performance slot plus program note in
>> proceedings)
>> - New Work for Commissioned Performer (Performance by commissioned
>> performer plus program note in proceedings)
>> The NIME Installations category is intended to address submissions
>> that deal with the subjects listed above, but are intended for
>> public-space or art gallery contexts. Accepted Installations will be
>> shown for the full 3 days of the conference, beginning on the morning
>> on Thursday, June 7th and ending in the evening on Saturday June 9th.
>> The Installations venue for NIME 2007 will also be open to the
>> general
>> public. Installation submissions will be judge by artistic merit,
>> interactivity, relevance to NIME, innovation, exhibition history
>> experience and practicality criteria. A one-paragraph description of
>> the Installation project must be submitted with other required
>> materials, and will be included in the conference proceedings.
>> Accepted submissions to the Installation category will be
>> exhibited in
>> an environment appropriate to a public-space and gallery context.
>> 2007 is obtaining special facilities in New York City, near other
>> conference events for exhibition of accepted Installation projects.
>> Please check the NIME site in November for floor plan details and
>> photos of the space. The number of accepted submission will be
>> partially subject to available space.
>> Accepted presentation types are:
>> - Installations (Installation space plus brief description in
>> proceedings)
>> NIME07 will include a number of events specially focused on robotics
>> and music. These will include a keynote speaker from the field of
>> robotics and music, a special workshop on the subject and a concert
>> series the weekend before NIME07.
>> Therefore, we are especially inviting submissions in all
>> categories in
>> the area of Robotics and Music. Special consideration will be
>> given to
>> competent submissions in this area.
>> For presentations of commercial products and companies not associated
>> with a conference submission, there will be exhibit booths. Please
>> contact Jennifer Stock at vendors(a)
>> June 6, morning:
>> * Workshop on Music and Robotics
>> Details on how to participate in the Music and Robotics workshop
>> to come.
>> June 7-9:
>> * NIME 2007
>> May 31st to June 10th:
>> * New York Electronic Arts Festival
>> NIME 07 organized site visits, additional workshops and off-concerts
>> including jam sessions are planned.
All information should be free. - the hacker ethic