Pd-list April 2009

  • 125 participants
  • 183 discussions
Re: [PD] Pdpedia and random generation
by Alexandre Porres 09 Apr '09

09 Apr '09
writing to iowarrior in pd
by sqr harrie 09 Apr '09

09 Apr '09

09 Apr '09
Re: [PD] beat detection
by cristiano figueiró 09 Apr '09

09 Apr '09
timing issues in Windows Vista
by Matteo Sisti Sette 09 Apr '09

09 Apr '09

09 Apr '09

09 Apr '09
movement detect
by Jose Luis Santorcuato 08 Apr '09

08 Apr '09
how to capture movement
by Jose Luis Santorcuato 08 Apr '09

08 Apr '09
beat detection
by Scott Wade 08 Apr '09

08 Apr '09
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