after watching a video of a talk given by Mille Puckette at "laboratoire STMS"
about "espd" ,which is an adaptation of pd for esp32, I decided to give it a try.
I already have a set of 10 esp32 playing sounds from sdcard, using the
"arduino-audio-tools library", I monitor esp32's states and trigger samples from my
computer using pure data, via wifi. But I would prefer to be able to prototype using
The "espd" project compiled nicely, I can upload patches through wifi to my esp32
and all works just fine.
But, I couldn't find a way of playing samples, like Miller used it to make did in an
art installation so I guess it is possible.
My question is : has anyone who has used espd a clue or an example patch showing
the usage ?
( I only tried using readsf~ )