Hello guys,
Id just like to add to the discussion how I enjoy the supercollider help
system. Ofcourse it taeks full advantage of the fact that sc is text coded
and has a help system that was far easier to implemnt then something similar
would be in pd. However, it might be worht having a look at it.
For those that havent tried SC yet; its help file means that you can select
any object or code and press help (similar to pd's right click help on
windows) but the beauty is the structure, if a certain object or line of
code doesn't have a help file you get thrown to the main help file which
directs you to a lot of stuff. Theres tutorials or basic object help etc
etc. Navigating it is very easy. Downside is that it isnt very easy to
search it, the same problem that pd has ofcourse.
I like the idea of having a html server inside pd gui. Im sure it wouldn't
be too hard to implemnt a powerfull search engine in it that way. If wanted
stuff like Millers book could even be included.
Just to give the group another incentive, the feedback I get from a lot of
newbies to coding, the biggest group ofnew users that are most likely to get
in contact with pd etc as far as I can tell, say that some of the areas in
which pd can improve greatly for them is documentation.
Ive also been thinking of porting the max & msp tutorials to pd, however, I
think that id run into copyright issues doing that, so perhaps we c/Ian do a
rewrite that wouldn't have tha tproblem? Or am I suggesting something that
has allready been started. Ofcourse there's millers book but its pretty math
heavy for a lot of people that don't know how to look behind that.
Ps when the time comes that a standard has been chosen id be glad to help
cross out some objects on the list to create new documentation for.