Howdy, the newer versions of Pd filter out "Nan" in number/atom boxes, right? Pd-Extended 0.42 and Pd-L2ork still output 'nan' in atom boxes, btw...
Anyway, why is that? If 'nan' were not allowed in general in Pd, that'd make sense, but it's only in atom/number boxes, 'nan'is still output and can be printed...
one thing i dont like about this is that the display will output the last value instead of an error or a 'nan' output, even though 'nan' is still output.
check patch attached
one other thing
inf is still output without any issue, an atom box will "print" and output "inf" and you can click on it and change it back to a number and keep scrolling numbers with it.
now, if an atom number box receives a 'nan', it freezes on that number... so it's confusing, you can't keep scrolling it, you have to know it was a 'nan' and click on it and change it back to a number. So it's only like it is not displaying 'nan', but still behaves so...
By the way, the number atom box still outputs "nan" and you can check it with a [print] object.
So yeah, it looks like a bug :)
but a bug in the atom number box...
*And now about the "number2" GUI:*
it also does not print "nan" as it used to... but differently than the atom box, it *doesn't* output "nan", it outputs again the last number... so you can keep scrolling with it...
Now, about number2 and "inf".
It does not print "inf", it does print '1e+37'... and it doesn't output anything, if you try and print something from its output, nothing comes by...
this is an old behaviour and i consider it a bug! It should behave in the same way as the atom number box
2016-05-17 13:34 GMT-03:00 Miller Puckette
howdy, I see you fixed the atom box in the repo, great! But I'd like to remind you about the same kind of issue still remaining with [nbx].
The number2 GUI ("nbx") has the same bug of not displaying "nan" - where it used to before (so it's a bug again). But while with the atom box we could still print "nan" from its output, the issue with number box is that it outputs the last value, so it's a bit more complicated than just having it displaying it.
I know I said things about "inf" and number box, but I see I was missing some stuff, I'll start a new thread about it.
2016-05-17 14:00 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Torres Porres