one other thing
inf is still output without any issue, an atom box will "print" and output "inf" and you can click on it and change it back to a number and keep scrolling numbers with it.
now, if an atom number box receives a 'nan', it freezes on that number... so it's confusing, you can't keep scrolling it, you have to know it was a 'nan' and click on it and change it back to a number. So it's only like it is not displaying 'nan', but still behaves so...
By the way, the number atom box still outputs "nan" and you can check it with a [print] object.
So yeah, it looks like a bug :)
but a bug in the atom number box...
And now about the "number2" GUI:
it also does not print "nan" as it used to... but differently than the atom box, it doesn't output "nan", it outputs again the last number... so you can keep scrolling with it...
Now, about number2 and "inf".
It does not print "inf", it does print '1e+37'... and it doesn't output anything, if you try and print something from its output, nothing comes by...
this is an old behaviour and i consider it a bug! It should behave in the same way as the atom number box