anyway was this not all discussed and decided upon in pdx dev days?
I think it was ~/pd-externals, at least that’s what I still use.
I agree that something in the ~/Documents would be more standard than anything in ~/Library as that has been a hidden folder in Finder since OS X 10.7 or so as is not meant to be directly user-accessible. The preferences file, OTOH, should stay as that uses the same format & location that most macOS apps use.
Dan Wilcox @danomatika
2017-03-06 18:22 GMT-03:00 Dan Wilcox
anyway was this not all discussed and decided upon in pdx dev days?
I think it was ~/pd-externals, at least that’s what I still use.
Well, I did navigate through old threads on this list to catch up. There was a lengthy discussion about linux, which led to change it from *~/pd-externals* to *~/.local/lib/pd/extra*.
Apparently, most felt it was annoying the creation of a *~/pd-externals* folder and how weird and uncommon that standard folder was. Thus, there's this new option for a standard folder...
Though, once the new standard is valid, I saw no discussion or resistance to the idea of that folder being created for the user. In fact I saw Roman asking something this:
I believe yet all have agreed to ~/.local/lib/pd/extra as the default install path (and most recent Deken uses it).
There was some concerns about creating directories without asking. Now, do those concerns still apply with above default install path? It seems pretty normal that applications do stuff there. Is anyone still against auto-creating?
Well, there was no response and no formal opposition to that... there was also many aspects of the "deken user install expeerience" discussion that was inconclusive, as it died out when the release was made. Maybe it's time to pick that discussion up and do some improvements for the next release.
Moreover, I saw nothing discussed about the creation of folders in MacOs or Windows, nor how weird/bad the choice was. Me, Mark and Dan have a consensus here how the *~/Library* folder is a bad choice. So maybe we can follow the trend form Linux and change it to a better place like *~/Documents*
But one thing is deciding of a good standard folder, the other discussion is if Pd should create such folders. Is there any concern but the old discussion that creating *~/pd-externals* in linux was a bad call?
I can't see any reason why a software can't create user and system folders when it needs to. And right now this is making it really harder than it should to install externals in Pd (just saying).
BTW arduino and processing also both install libraries in:
and as porres might say "just saying"
would you also just say (as I might) that they do create such folders for you and no one gets hurt in the process? ;)
I saw no discussion or resistance to the idea of that folder being created for the user. In fact I saw Roman asking something this:
I believe yet all have agreed to ~/.local/lib/pd/extra as the default install path (and most recent Deken uses it).
There was some concerns about creating directories without asking. Now, do those concerns still apply with above default install path? It seems pretty normal that applications do stuff there. Is anyone still against auto-creating?
I missed another important message in response to this from IOhannes
it seems indeed that the main obstacle for automatic directory creation has gone with this new default user-specific search path. if there is some consensus, i will happily re-enable the directory creation. (but it seems that everybody has gone into sleep mode again, and will only awake after the next release)
gfmadsr IOhannes
So, the enabling of directory creation seems to be something desirable after all.
Maybe it's time for "waking up" to the discussion again...