Hi !
I'm working on my senior project on Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, Croatia, majors in Pedagogy and Computer Science , and my thesis is PureData and its use in multimedia manipulation.
Could someone please direct me to some resources with simmilar texts or projects, lectures, workshop material or anything that would be useful in writing a paper about PD, its use and features.
Many thnx :)
Igor Crnkovic ICQ# : 329-626-854
Hi Igor,
I'm sure that you will get several replies to this but here's some
thoughts... if you haven't already done so:
Best, p
On Aug 22, 2006, at 7:42 AM, Igor Crnkovic wrote:
Hi !
I'm working on my senior project on Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, Croatia, majors in Pedagogy and Computer Science , and my thesis is PureData and its use in multimedia manipulation.
Could someone please direct me to some resources with simmilar texts or projects, lectures, workshop material or anything that would be useful in writing a paper about PD, its use and features.
Many thnx :)
Igor Crnkovic ICQ# : 329-626-854
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
hey igor,
i just read this message on the list:
Here is some information on where the pd-book is available.
The distribution is mainly handled by our publisher, a small Germany based house; therefore i think there is an emphasis on mid-european distribution. Nevertheless it should be possible to order the book to wherever you live.
publisher: http://www.wolke-verlag.de http://www.wolke-verlag.de/neuerscheinungen/zimmer.htm
their webshop: http://www.buecher-zur-musik.de/ http://www.buecher-zur-musik.de/53108697370a2cb3f/5310869823018c609.html
...maybe the book is helpful for your research.. but i heard that its a bit a pain to get the book delivered, since they are a very small publisher in germany.. anyways if you have questions about the german on the page, let me know, because i am a native speaker..
good luck
On 22/08/06, Igor Crnkovic igor.crnkovic@gmail.com wrote:
Hi !
I'm working on my senior project on Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, Croatia, majors in Pedagogy and Computer Science , and my thesis is PureData and its use in multimedia manipulation.
Could someone please direct me to some resources with simmilar texts or projects, lectures, workshop material or anything that would be useful in writing a paper about PD, its use and features.
Many thnx :)
Igor Crnkovic ICQ# : 329-626-854
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
alexandre r. decoupigny wrote:
...maybe the book is helpful for your research.. but i heard that its a bit a pain to get the book delivered, since they are a very small publisher in germany.. anyways if you have questions about the german on the page, let me know, because i am a native speaker..
the "official" way to get the book for non-german speakers, is currently to write contact the publisher directly via email: info@wolke-verlag.de
it seems like the book might get listed by amazon.com as soon as some people have ordered it via amazon.de (at least that is what the publisher tells us; they say "amazon will only list the book if people have ordered it"; whatever this means)
i set up a site where i collect all the information about the book: http://pd-graz.mur.at/label/book01
mfg.asdr IOhannes
It seems easy enough (if you can guess your way through the German) to buy it from amazon.de - I ordered one using a Visa card, for about $45 U.S. including shipping. Its rank is 43,145 at the moment...
cheers Miller
On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 08:16:43PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
alexandre r. decoupigny wrote:
...maybe the book is helpful for your research.. but i heard that its a bit a pain to get the book delivered, since they are a very small publisher in germany.. anyways if you have questions about the german on the page, let me know, because i am a native speaker..
the "official" way to get the book for non-german speakers, is currently to write contact the publisher directly via email: info@wolke-verlag.de
it seems like the book might get listed by amazon.com as soon as some people have ordered it via amazon.de (at least that is what the publisher tells us; they say "amazon will only list the book if people have ordered it"; whatever this means)
i set up a site where i collect all the information about the book: http://pd-graz.mur.at/label/book01
mfg.asdr IOhannes
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
well, maybe it's off-good taste, but they didn't send you one?
i don't want one myself, when merchandising gets into free software, just you know what i think.
saludos, sevy
Miller Puckette wrote:
It seems easy enough (if you can guess your way through the German) to buy it from amazon.de - I ordered one using a Visa card, for about $45 U.S. including shipping. Its rank is 43,145 at the moment...
cheers Miller
On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 08:16:43PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
alexandre r. decoupigny wrote:
...maybe the book is helpful for your research.. but i heard that its a bit a pain to get the book delivered, since they are a very small publisher in germany.. anyways if you have questions about the german on the page, let me know, because i am a native speaker..
the "official" way to get the book for non-german speakers, is currently to write contact the publisher directly via email: info@wolke-verlag.de
it seems like the book might get listed by amazon.com as soon as some people have ordered it via amazon.de (at least that is what the publisher tells us; they say "amazon will only list the book if people have ordered it"; whatever this means)
i set up a site where i collect all the information about the book: http://pd-graz.mur.at/label/book01
mfg.asdr IOhannes
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, Yves Degoyon wrote:
i don't want one myself, when merchandising gets into free software, just you know what i think.
Hi sévice, it's free as in speech, not free as in beer.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
I would never, ever pay for beer.
On 22/08/06, Mathieu Bouchard matju@artengine.ca wrote:
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, Yves Degoyon wrote:
i don't want one myself, when merchandising gets into free software, just you know what i think.
Hi sévice, it's free as in speech, not free as in beer.
after all these childish arguments..
the real question is : will these articles be available on the net ( err, for free to read )...
i dunno, like for some things we thought of once, like freedom of knowledge ? ( although it's decaying )
ciao, sevy
Hi Yves,
please tell me where to get free internet access. Maybe i'm moving
Am 24.08.2006 um 15:43 schrieb Yves Degoyon:
after all these childish arguments..
the real question is : will these articles be available on the net ( err, for free to
read )...i dunno, like for some things we thought of once, like freedom of knowledge ? ( although it's decaying )
ciao, sevy
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
Thomas Grill http://grrrr.org
Georg Holzmann wrote:
please tell me where to get free internet access. Maybe i'm moving there.
in vienna (Funkfeuer) ... ;)
LG Georg
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
of course, move to vienna!
Am 25.08.2006 um 05:09 schrieb Yves Degoyon:
Georg Holzmann wrote:
please tell me where to get free internet access. Maybe i'm moving there.
in vienna (Funkfeuer) ... ;)
LG Georg
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
of course, move to vienna!
Yes, naturally! But don't forget your dowsing rod for the Funkfeuer!
all the best, Thomas
On Aug 25, 2006, at 9:47 AM, Thomas Grill wrote:
Am 25.08.2006 um 05:09 schrieb Yves Degoyon:
Georg Holzmann wrote:
please tell me where to get free internet access. Maybe i'm
moving there.in vienna (Funkfeuer) ... ;)
LG Georg
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
of course, move to vienna!
Yes, naturally! But don't forget your dowsing rod for the Funkfeuer!
all the best, Thomas
I think that funkfeuer is the way to go for the future, but
NYCwireless has a good strategy for now: encourage everyone to NOT
put passwords on their wifi. So many people have their own network
connection with a wifi router on it. If everyone opened their access
point, the wifi network in Manhattan would easily rival the mobile
phone networks. As of now, I'd say about 20% of NYC wifi networks
are open. Plus the city is paying to set up free wifi in parks
around the city. There are quite a lot more open networks in NYC
than other places from my informal poll.
What I like to say is: if you have ever used an open wifi access
point, then you are obligated to share yours, otherwise you are
stealing from the community.
Computer science is no more related to the computer than astronomy is
related to the telescope. -Edsger Dykstra
On Aug 24, 2006, at 2:56 PM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
please tell me where to get free internet access. Maybe i'm moving
there.in vienna (Funkfeuer) ... ;)
And more...
Someone is paying for it, but not you. As mesh networks spread, then
fewer people have to pay to keep they network going. You still have
to pay for the electricity, but that is basically free as in beer.
Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. - David Zicarelli
Well, good taste is not required for entry into the computer music community! anyway, I didn't ask, wanted to buy it to support the cause. I get a salary, while most Pd contributors never get paid for their good work.
cheers M
On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 03:06:29AM +0200, Yves Degoyon wrote:
well, maybe it's off-good taste, but they didn't send you one?
i don't want one myself, when merchandising gets into free software, just you know what i think.
saludos, sevy
Miller Puckette wrote:
It seems easy enough (if you can guess your way through the German) to buy it from amazon.de - I ordered one using a Visa card, for about $45 U.S. including shipping. Its rank is 43,145 at the moment...
cheers Miller
On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 08:16:43PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
alexandre r. decoupigny wrote:
...maybe the book is helpful for your research.. but i heard that its a bit a pain to get the book delivered, since they are a very small publisher in germany.. anyways if you have questions about the german on the page, let me know, because i am a native speaker..
the "official" way to get the book for non-german speakers, is currently to write contact the publisher directly via email: info@wolke-verlag.de
it seems like the book might get listed by amazon.com as soon as some people have ordered it via amazon.de (at least that is what the publisher tells us; they say "amazon will only list the book if people have ordered it"; whatever this means)
i set up a site where i collect all the information about the book: http://pd-graz.mur.at/label/book01
mfg.asdr IOhannes
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Miller Puckette wrote:
Well, good taste is not required for entry into the computer music community! anyway, I didn't ask, wanted to buy it to support the cause. I get a salary, while most Pd contributors never get paid for their good work.
this is very kind of you.
however: due to asynchronous information transfer from various members of pd-graz, my announcement of where to get the book was faster than the notification of the authors that they will get a free copy.
while miller (as one of those with a salary) now gets 2-for-1, i hereby ask all authors who contributed to the book to NOT by a copy, as they will get one within the next days/weeks.
it would be nice if people coming to graz in the near future (like frank), would be ok to fetch the boom directly from us. the others will get a packet, asap (e.g. when we have their address)
mfg.asdr IOhannes
IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
while miller (as one of those with a salary) now gets 2-for-1, i hereby ask all authors who contributed to the book to NOT by a copy, as they
read: ...to NOT buy a copy...
frank), would be ok to fetch the boom directly from us.
read: ...to fetch the book directly...
mfg.the.orthogarphic.compendium.asdf IOhannes
Hallo, IOhannes m zmoelnig hat gesagt: // IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
it would be nice if people coming to graz in the near future (like frank), would be ok to fetch the boom directly from us. the others will get a packet, asap (e.g. when we have their address)
Yes, no problem. I will get mine in Graz then. ;)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
Yves Degoyon wrote:
i don't want one myself,
sorry, in my ardour i was a bit biased towards western market strategies, and only thought of those who would want a copy (already hearing the gold jingle-jangling in my moneybag)
so here comes some attention to the others: everybody who does not want a book please drop me an email. i promise to not pass this information to our publisher.
when merchandising gets into free software, just you know what i think.
it is always good to find the culprit for something bad. now we can finally do something against all those linux coffee-mugs and think-geek shirts: don't buy the book!
saludos, sevy
cheer down!
and nevermind. mfga.sdr IOhannes
Am 23.08.2006 um 13:03 schrieb IOhannes m zmoelnig:
everybody who does not want a book please drop me an email. i promise to not pass this information to our publisher.
aarg. you say that now? too late: i've already ordered one. damn, i
thought it was obligatory. :-]
Max Neupert wrote:
Am 23.08.2006 um 13:03 schrieb IOhannes m zmoelnig:
everybody who does not want a book please drop me an email. i promise to not pass this information to our publisher.
aarg. you say that now? too late: i've already ordered one. damn, i thought it was obligatory. :-]
well, that's how "free market" (was it beer? was it speech?), works, isn't it?
mfg.adr IOhannes
I'll be happy to take someone's extra copy, if they've happened to have ordered one already, and are also an author :-).
On 8/23/06, IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
Max Neupert wrote:
Am 23.08.2006 um 13:03 schrieb IOhannes m zmoelnig:
everybody who does not want a book please drop me an email. i promise to not pass this information to our publisher.
aarg. you say that now? too late: i've already ordered one. damn, i thought it was obligatory. :-]
well, that's how "free market" (was it beer? was it speech?), works, isn't it?
mfg.adr IOhannes
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 01:27:31PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
(was it beer? was it speech?)
On this list, probably a bit too much of both at once.
Guilty as charged,
chris@mccormick.cx http://mccormick.cx
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Yves Degoyon wrote:
i don't want one myself,
sorry, in my ardour i was a bit biased towards western market strategies, and only thought of those who would want a copy (already hearing the gold jingle-jangling in my moneybag)
You know, eastern market strategies are also the same. Maybe you want to contrast Terrean market strategies with those of, say, Uranus.
Over there in Uranus, markets work magically without money. People just give away and there are enough copies for everybody.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 01:07:11PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Yves Degoyon wrote:
i don't want one myself,
sorry, in my ardour i was a bit biased towards western market strategies, and only thought of those who would want a copy (already hearing the gold jingle-jangling in my moneybag)
You know, eastern market strategies are also the same. Maybe you want to contrast Terrean market strategies with those of, say, Uranus.
Over there in Uranus, markets work magically without money. People just give away and there are enough copies for everybody.
You must be just baiting Yves, because I seriously cannot beleive that you can't imagine a society without a monetary currency. You should read the Iain M Banks book "The Algebraist" where the only economy that truly advanced societies deal in is the currency of 'kudos'. I find this notion very convincing and sincerely hope that it's the future of our own society. Think forwards to a time when technology has eliminated scarcity.
I'm glad you didn't make a joke about sending a Pd powered missile to Uranus. ;)
chris@mccormick.cx http://mccormick.cx
Hallo, Chris McCormick hat gesagt: // Chris McCormick wrote:
You must be just baiting Yves, because I seriously cannot beleive that you can't imagine a society without a monetary currency. You should read the Iain M Banks book "The Algebraist" where the only economy that truly advanced societies deal in is the currency of 'kudos'. I find this notion very convincing and sincerely hope that it's the future of our own society. Think forwards to a time when technology has eliminated scarcity.
Another good and fun read in this regard in Charles Stross' "Accelerando", see www.accelerando.org
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
On Thu, 24 Aug 2006, Chris McCormick wrote:
I seriously cannot beleive that you can't imagine a society without a monetary currency.
I imagine it, but I imagine it the way I imagine pink elephants flying across perpendicular dimensions.
You should read the Iain M Banks book "The Algebraist" where the only economy that truly advanced societies deal in is the currency of 'kudos'.
Why would the elimination of monetary economy mean that only the kudos "economy" would replace it? if using a loose enough definition of economy to include kudos, there are lots of kinds of economies today which are likely not going to be replaced by only kudos, right? why would an economy of attention be focused on merit rather than fluff?
I find this notion very convincing and sincerely hope that it's the future of our own society. Think forwards to a time when technology has eliminated scarcity.
How can scarcity be eliminated? Aren't new needs created just as fast as other needs are fulfilled?
I'm glad you didn't make a joke about sending a Pd powered missile to Uranus. ;)
The connection between Pd and Uranus is deeper than you may think. Do you know about the other pd community? it's « la communauté pédé » ---> http://www.thewarning.info/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=0004
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
this is a bit off topic.. anyways.. just wanted to make sure nobody felt insulted by my remark and offer for help.. in case i did i am sorry : )
On 22/08/06, IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
alexandre r. decoupigny wrote:
...maybe the book is helpful for your research.. but i heard that its a bit a pain to get the book delivered, since they are a very small publisher in germany.. anyways if you have questions about the german on the page, let me know, because i am a native speaker..
the "official" way to get the book for non-german speakers, is currently to write contact the publisher directly via email: info@wolke-verlag.de
it seems like the book might get listed by amazon.com as soon as some people have ordered it via amazon.de (at least that is what the publisher tells us; they say "amazon will only list the book if people have ordered it"; whatever this means)
i set up a site where i collect all the information about the book: http://pd-graz.mur.at/label/book01
mfg.asdr IOhannes
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, alexandre r. decoupigny wrote:
IOhannes wrote:
i set up a site where i collect all the information about the book: http://pd-graz.mur.at/label/book01
this is a bit off topic.. anyways.. just wanted to make sure nobody felt insulted by my remark and offer for help.. in case i did i am sorry : )
it's *not* off-topic! what makes you think it is?
It's the other way around. Claiming that it's off-topic is the insulting part. Offer for help is very welcome.
It's like when Mark Danks revealed the deep secrets of the design of GEM, and then claimed it's off-topic -- what??
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
hello matthieu,
this came out totally wrong..these were two messages.. iohannes did not write the last part about being off-topic, it was me alexandre. the "off-topic" was related to the apologies.. i had posted a message earlier that it was a pain to get hold of the book and offered my help with translating it, because im a native german speaker.. suddenly i found this message in a lot of other messages that were refering to it and writing that you can talk to the publisher directly and also that there might is the possibility to get the book through amazone.. so i felt people were a bit upset by what i said or something similar and consequently posted this message, which had nothing to do with iohannes remark about compiling information about the book.. anyways.. thanks matthieu for your post, i understand : )
On 23/08/06, Mathieu Bouchard matju@artengine.ca wrote:
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, alexandre r. decoupigny wrote:
IOhannes wrote:
i set up a site where i collect all the information about the book: http://pd-graz.mur.at/label/book01
this is a bit off topic.. anyways.. just wanted to make sure nobody felt insulted by my remark and offer for help.. in case i did i am sorry : )
it's *not* off-topic! what makes you think it is?
It's the other way around. Claiming that it's off-topic is the insulting part. Offer for help is very welcome.
It's like when Mark Danks revealed the deep secrets of the design of GEM, and then claimed it's off-topic -- what??
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, alexandre r. decoupigny wrote:
this came out totally wrong..these were two messages.. iohannes did not write the last part about being off-topic, it was me alexandre. the "off-topic" was related to the apologies..
I don't believe nor claim that IOhannes wrote what you wrote. This has to do with the way quoting happens. Count the number of ">" signs at the beginning of each mail in order to know who said what.
See Top-posting vs Bottom-posting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top-posting
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
_Now_ we're off topic!
On 8/23/06, Mathieu Bouchard matju@artengine.ca wrote:
On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, alexandre r. decoupigny wrote:
this came out totally wrong..these were two messages.. iohannes did not write the last part about being off-topic, it was me alexandre. the "off-topic" was related to the apologies..
I don't believe nor claim that IOhannes wrote what you wrote. This has to do with the way quoting happens. Count the number of ">" signs at the beginning of each mail in order to know who said what.
See Top-posting vs Bottom-posting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top-posting
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
hi igor
to give you an overview on how puredata can be used for (multi)media-projects:
webring of puredata-specific projects: http://pd.klingt.org/webring/
another link-collection of pd-projects: http://bill.teamtechno.com/pdspider/
On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 13:42 +0200, Igor Crnkovic wrote:
Hi !
I'm working on my senior project on Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, Croatia, majors in Pedagogy and Computer Science , and my thesis is PureData and its use in multimedia manipulation.
Could someone please direct me to some resources with simmilar texts or projects, lectures, workshop material or anything that would be useful in writing a paper about PD, its use and features.
Many thnx :)
Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC: http://messenger.yahoo.de