does this mean that you want to make a reference manual of Every Object, no matter whether it has been implemented or not?
well, we could skip the not implemented ones for now :)
but what keeps us from doing this right now? what has kept us from doing so in the past few years of pdpedia's existance? what shall we do to avoid becoming a honeypot?
hmm, sorry for not having followed the pdpedia since it has started, so I dont know actually about its history and everything. I just wish to collaborate, so please fill me in.
what is honeypot? something not good I guess.
cheers alex
2009/4/1 Alexandre Porres
does this mean that you want to make a reference manual of Every Object, no matter whether it has been implemented or not?
well, we could skip the not implemented ones for now :)
I think in the interests of starting somewhere, and with the basics, I'm going to go through the pd help files in order and make sure everything there is covered by pdpedia. We can do more advanced stuff when pdpedia is a bit more developed, but for the moment, there isn't even an article on "message", so I'll go and write that.
but what keeps us from doing this right now? what has kept us from doing so in the past few years of pdpedia's existance? what shall we do to avoid becoming a honeypot?
hmm, sorry for not having followed the pdpedia since it has started, so I dont know actually about its history and everything. I just wish to collaborate, so please fill me in. what is honeypot? something not good I guess.
A honeypot is something attractive to spammers and hackers.
yeah, well, I dont really have a clue on what is missing too, please check then, and we will start with the most needed.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Philip Potter philip.g.potter@gmail.comwrote:
2009/4/1 Alexandre Porres
does this mean that you want to make a reference manual of Every Object, no matter whether it has been implemented or not?
well, we could skip the not implemented ones for now :)
I think in the interests of starting somewhere, and with the basics, I'm going to go through the pd help files in order and make sure everything there is covered by pdpedia. We can do more advanced stuff when pdpedia is a bit more developed, but for the moment, there isn't even an article on "message", so I'll go and write that.
but what keeps us from doing this right now? what has kept us from doing so in the past few years of pdpedia's existance? what shall we do to avoid becoming a honeypot?
hmm, sorry for not having followed the pdpedia since it has started, so I dont know actually about its history and everything. I just wish to collaborate, so please fill me in. what is honeypot? something not good I guess.
A honeypot is something attractive to spammers and hackers.
I tried to upload an image to pdpedia but uploads are disabled.
a) Are there any plans to allow uploads to pdpedia? b) Does anyone have any suggestions for places to host images to be used on pdpedia?
I think it's pretty clear that images are important for a graphical programming language :)
2009/4/2 Alexandre Porres
yeah, well, I dont really have a clue on what is missing too, please check then, and we will start with the most needed.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Philip Potter wrote:
2009/4/1 Alexandre Porres
does this mean that you want to make a reference manual of Every Object, no matter whether it has been implemented or not?
well, we could skip the not implemented ones for now :)
I think in the interests of starting somewhere, and with the basics, I'm going to go through the pd help files in order and make sure everything there is covered by pdpedia. We can do more advanced stuff when pdpedia is a bit more developed, but for the moment, there isn't even an article on "message", so I'll go and write that.
but what keeps us from doing this right now? what has kept us from doing so in the past few years of pdpedia's existance? what shall we do to avoid becoming a honeypot?
hmm, sorry for not having followed the pdpedia since it has started, so I dont know actually about its history and everything. I just wish to collaborate, so please fill me in. what is honeypot? something not good I guess.
A honeypot is something attractive to spammers and hackers.
-- Alexandre Torres Porres cel. (11)8179-6226 Website:
Philip Potter wrote:
I tried to upload an image to pdpedia but uploads are disabled.
a) Are there any plans to allow uploads to pdpedia? b) Does anyone have any suggestions for places to host images to be used on pdpedia?
use the mediapool
mfgasdr IOhannes
hey, now I remember that the extended version has links to PdPedia, right? So it is just a matter of carrying it on I suppose.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:25 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Philip Potter wrote:
I tried to upload an image to pdpedia but uploads are disabled.
a) Are there any plans to allow uploads to pdpedia? b) Does anyone have any suggestions for places to host images to be used on pdpedia?
use the mediapool
mfgasdr IOhannes
Yes, Pd-extended has the "pdpedia" link in the Help Menu. If you have
a help patch open, that pdpeida menu command will take you to the
pdpedia page for that help patch.
On Apr 2, 2009, at 9:00 PM, Alexandre Porres wrote:
hey, now I remember that the extended version has links to PdPedia,
right?So it is just a matter of carrying it on I suppose.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:25 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote: Philip Potter wrote: I tried to upload an image to pdpedia but uploads are disabled.a) Are there any plans to allow uploads to pdpedia? b) Does anyone have any suggestions for places to host images to be used on pdpedia?
use the mediapool
mfgasdr IOhannes
-- Alexandre Torres Porres cel. (11)8179-6226 Website: mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally
for machines to execute.
Well, uploads should work, but I guess they don't. If anyone wants to
try to get them working, I can set them up with the shell login for
the server. The media pool should work now, it should be possible to
fix the upload link so that it uses the Mediapool. That's the
wikipedia-style setup.
On Apr 2, 2009, at 12:15 PM, Philip Potter wrote:
I tried to upload an image to pdpedia but uploads are disabled.
a) Are there any plans to allow uploads to pdpedia? b) Does anyone have any suggestions for places to host images to be used on pdpedia?
I think it's pretty clear that images are important for a graphical programming language :)
2009/4/2 Alexandre Porres
yeah, well, I dont really have a clue on what is missing too,
please check then, and we will start with the most needed.cheers
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Philip Potter <
2009/4/1 Alexandre Porres
does this mean that you want to make a reference manual of Every Object, no matter whether it has been implemented or not?
well, we could skip the not implemented ones for now :)
I think in the interests of starting somewhere, and with the basics, I'm going to go through the pd help files in order and make sure everything there is covered by pdpedia. We can do more advanced
stuff when pdpedia is a bit more developed, but for the moment, there
isn't even an article on "message", so I'll go and write that.but what keeps us from doing this right now? what has kept us from doing so in the past few years of pdpedia's existance? what shall we do to avoid becoming a honeypot?
hmm, sorry for not having followed the pdpedia since it has
started, so I dont know actually about its history and everything. I just wish to collaborate, so please fill me in. what is honeypot? something not good I guess.A honeypot is something attractive to spammers and hackers.
-- Alexandre Torres Porres cel. (11)8179-6226 Website:
-- "I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my telephone." --Bjarne Stroustrup mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during
that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big
Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. - General Smedley Butler
I've followed the pdpedia threads but perhaps not closely enough. I've always thought Pd lent itself well to documentation and self-exploration because of the interactive help patches. A wiki approach does not offer this. On the other hand it does offer an easy way to grow docs through collaborative editing, plus there's search capabilities for newbies to find what they want etc.
Any ideas about how these two things might be combined? Perhaps pddp already examined this?
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Alexandre Porres wrote:
yeah, well, I dont really have a clue on what is missing too, please check then, and we will start with the most needed.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Philip Potter philip.g.potter@gmail.comwrote:
2009/4/1 Alexandre Porres
does this mean that you want to make a reference manual of Every
no matter whether it has been implemented or not?
well, we could skip the not implemented ones for now :)
I think in the interests of starting somewhere, and with the basics, I'm going to go through the pd help files in order and make sure everything there is covered by pdpedia. We can do more advanced stuff when pdpedia is a bit more developed, but for the moment, there isn't even an article on "message", so I'll go and write that.
but what keeps us from doing this right now? what has kept us from
so in the past few years of pdpedia's existance? what shall we do to avoid becoming a honeypot?
hmm, sorry for not having followed the pdpedia since it has started, so
dont know actually about its history and everything. I just wish to collaborate, so please fill me in. what is honeypot? something not good I guess.
A honeypot is something attractive to spammers and hackers.
-- Alexandre Torres Porres cel. (11)8179-6226 Website: mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
seems like a good start!
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:25 PM, John Harrison johnharrisonwsu@gmail.comwrote:
I've followed the pdpedia threads but perhaps not closely enough. I've always thought Pd lent itself well to documentation and self-exploration because of the interactive help patches. A wiki approach does not offer this. On the other hand it does offer an easy way to grow docs through collaborative editing, plus there's search capabilities for newbies to find what they want etc.
Any ideas about how these two things might be combined? Perhaps pddp already examined this?
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Alexandre Porres porres@gmail.comwrote:
yeah, well, I dont really have a clue on what is missing too, please check then, and we will start with the most needed.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Philip Potter <
2009/4/1 Alexandre Porres
does this mean that you want to make a reference manual of Every
no matter whether it has been implemented or not?
well, we could skip the not implemented ones for now :)
I think in the interests of starting somewhere, and with the basics, I'm going to go through the pd help files in order and make sure everything there is covered by pdpedia. We can do more advanced stuff when pdpedia is a bit more developed, but for the moment, there isn't even an article on "message", so I'll go and write that.
but what keeps us from doing this right now? what has kept us from
so in the past few years of pdpedia's existance? what shall we do to avoid becoming a honeypot?
hmm, sorry for not having followed the pdpedia since it has started, so
dont know actually about its history and everything. I just wish to collaborate, so please fill me in. what is honeypot? something not good I guess.
A honeypot is something attractive to spammers and hackers.
-- Alexandre Torres Porres cel. (11)8179-6226 Website: mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
On Friday 03 April 2009 01:24:04 Philip Potter wrote:
I think in the interests of starting somewhere, and with the basics, I'm going to go through the pd help files in order and make sure everything there is covered by pdpedia. We can do more advanced stuff when pdpedia is a bit more developed, but for the moment, there isn't even an article on "message", so I'll go and write that.
if it is useful, i have plain text versions of each of the internal objects (5.reference) from my database. i don't personally have time to upload to wiki, but you can use the document found here:
note, this plain text reference may be missing details on creation arguments + inlets/outlets.. these can be found in the full sql refrence:
Yeah, I started with your stuff when I began doing this, and also found something from another source, but there was no author in the file, and that was a few months ago, so I don't remember who it was.
I have added a few other tables, as it would be nice to be able to store multiple authors for anything, plus I wanted to break out a couple other things as well.
This is a kind of side note, but one thing that would be really cool would be to modify the [pddplink] object, so that you can send pd messages to your patch, and this could be made to make calls into the database, as the links are selected, and because the interface is going to be dynamic, there are going to be a lot of files to open.
One of the things that I have noticed about some of the pddp stuff is that it takes forever for a patch to find what it is looking for, along all the pd search paths it goes through, and having to wait 30 seconds for it to find what it is looking for is just not conducive to using it. The information should come back as fast as possible. That is one reason I am using a local database file on disk (or in memory), rather than using a database network connection (that is in the works right now). It would be nice that we could add an SQL file that anyone can download, and load up. I hate having to be forced to always have a connection to use something.
I should make a request for a change to the PDDP people, and have them update the patch. I think it would be a really nice addition to allow one of those links to send 'pd' messages. For now, I am using buttons...
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 10:02 PM, dmotd wrote:
On Friday 03 April 2009 01:24:04 Philip Potter wrote:
I think in the interests of starting somewhere, and with the basics, I'm going to go through the pd help files in order and make sure everything there is covered by pdpedia. We can do more advanced stuff when pdpedia is a bit more developed, but for the moment, there isn't even an article on "message", so I'll go and write that.
if it is useful, i have plain text versions of each of the internal objects (5.reference) from my database. i don't personally have time to upload to wiki, but you can use the document found here:
note, this plain text reference may be missing details on creation arguments + inlets/outlets.. these can be found in the full sql refrence:
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