yeah, well, I dont really have a clue on what is missing too, please check then, and we will start with the most needed.
2009/4/1 Alexandre Porres <>:
>I think in the interests of starting somewhere, and with the basics,
>> does this mean that you want to make a reference manual of Every Object,
>> no matter whether it has been implemented or not?
> well, we could skip the not implemented ones for now :)
I'm going to go through the pd help files in order and make sure
everything there is covered by pdpedia. We can do more advanced stuff
when pdpedia is a bit more developed, but for the moment, there isn't
even an article on "message", so I'll go and write that.
A honeypot is something attractive to spammers and hackers.
>> but what keeps us from doing this right now? what has kept us from doing
>> so in the past few years of pdpedia's existance?
>> what shall we do to avoid becoming a honeypot?
> hmm, sorry for not having followed the pdpedia since it has started, so I
> dont know actually about its history and everything. I just wish to
> collaborate, so please fill me in.
> what is honeypot? something not good I guess.