just a quick question, is it normal or somewhat on purpose that all versions of low pass filters in iemlib (from lp2 - lp10 and cheb, butt, bess and crit) exhibit slight high pitched jitter when cutoff frequency is being dynamicly changed? is it a nature of such filter or just a type of implementation that somewhat doesn't take care of interpolation (if interpolation is a problem at all)?
any thoughts welcome...
is there a way i could avoid that jitter with these filters?
is there some other high-pole low pass filter in some other library i could use?
sure, i can always use series of [lop~] ..
best, luka
I've noticed this, too. It sounds like the noise you'd get if you were just using [line] to change the frequency. My guess is the cutoff frequency is being sampled and held at the block boundaries. If you put these objects in a patch with [block~ 1], it goes away.
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Luka Princic // Nova deViator < nova@deviator.si> wrote:
just a quick question, is it normal or somewhat on purpose that all versions of low pass filters in iemlib (from lp2 - lp10 and cheb, butt, bess and crit) exhibit slight high pitched jitter when cutoff frequency is being dynamicly changed? is it a nature of such filter or just a type of implementation that somewhat doesn't take care of interpolation (if interpolation is a problem at all)?
any thoughts welcome...
is there a way i could avoid that jitter with these filters?
is there some other high-pole low pass filter in some other library i could use?
sure, i can always use series of [lop~] ..
best, luka
-- sujet est machinique! Nova deViator ¤ http://deviator.si ¤ http://skylined.org ¤
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
I'm having the same problem. It's like a zipper noise that you can't avoid no matter what interpolation time you set. If you set it to 150 ms or above it works. But how can you have fast attacks like that? At the moment I am changing interpolation times after the initial attack time of the envelope generator. So I got rid of most of it. But still some noise during the attack period.
Moog filter has audio ins. That one works a lot better but has a rather fixed, predefined (but good) sound.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: pd-list-bounces@iem.at [mailto:pd-list-bounces@iem.at] Im Auftrag von Luka Princic // Nova deViator Gesendet: Mittwoch, 2. März 2011 17:26 An: pd-list@iem.at Betreff: [PD] iemlib low pass filters exhibiting jitter?
just a quick question, is it normal or somewhat on purpose that all versions of low pass filters in iemlib (from lp2 - lp10 and cheb, butt, bess and crit) exhibit slight high pitched jitter when cutoff frequency is being dynamicly changed? is it a nature of such filter or just a type of implementation that somewhat doesn't take care of interpolation (if interpolation is a problem at all)?
any thoughts welcome...
is there a way i could avoid that jitter with these filters?
is there some other high-pole low pass filter in some other library i could use?
sure, i can always use series of [lop~] ..
best, luka
-- sujet est machinique! Nova deViator ¤ http://deviator.si ¤ http://skylined.org ¤
Le 02/03/2011 20:33, Ingo a écrit :
I'm having the same problem. It's like a zipper noise that you can't avoid no matter what interpolation time you set. If you set it to 150 ms or above it works. But how can you have fast attacks like that? At the moment I am changing interpolation times after the initial attack time of the envelope generator. So I got rid of most of it. But still some noise during the attack period.
Moog filter has audio ins.
the biquad object from nusmuk audio (bq~) does also have audio inlet for filter coef. since it's a biquad, you can shape your filter...
That one works a lot better but has a rather
fixed, predefined (but good) sound.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: pd-list-bounces@iem.at [mailto:pd-list-bounces@iem.at] Im Auftrag von Luka Princic // Nova deViator Gesendet: Mittwoch, 2. März 2011 17:26 An: pd-list@iem.at Betreff: [PD] iemlib low pass filters exhibiting jitter?
just a quick question, is it normal or somewhat on purpose that all versions of low pass filters in iemlib (from lp2 - lp10 and cheb, butt, bess and crit) exhibit slight high pitched jitter when cutoff frequency is being dynamicly changed? is it a nature of such filter or just a type of implementation that somewhat doesn't take care of interpolation (if interpolation is a problem at all)?
any thoughts welcome...
is there a way i could avoid that jitter with these filters?
is there some other high-pole low pass filter in some other library i could use?
sure, i can always use series of [lop~] ..
best, luka
-- sujet est machinique! Nova deViator ¤ http://deviator.si ¤ http://skylined.org ¤
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
cyrille henry ch@chnry.net:
the biquad object from nusmuk audio (bq~) does also have audio inlet for filter coef. since it's a biquad, you can shape your filter...
thanks everyone for suggestions and comments. in the meanwhile i disovered biquad object, which was perfect for my needs.
i will also try high (>150ms) interpolation time and [block~ 1]. and, ah, yes, moog filter...
best, luka