I've noticed this, too. It sounds like the noise you'd get if you were just using [line] to change the frequency. My guess is the cutoff frequency is being sampled and held at the block boundaries. If you put these objects in a patch with [block~ 1], it goes away.
just a quick question,
is it normal or somewhat on purpose that all versions of low pass
filters in iemlib (from lp2 - lp10 and cheb, butt, bess and crit)
exhibit slight high pitched jitter when cutoff frequency is being
dynamicly changed? is it a nature of such filter or just a type of
implementation that somewhat doesn't take care of interpolation (if
interpolation is a problem at all)?
any thoughts welcome...
is there a way i could avoid that jitter with these filters?
is there some other high-pole low pass filter in some other library i
could use?
sure, i can always use series of [lop~] ..
best, luka
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