Are you a Pd "local leader" in some way for your location?
That may be a fairly vague question -- but the practical purpose for New
Blankets asking is this:
"Are you interested and able to host Pd *Artists-in-Transit* to visit your
area and the groups there which you are affiliated with?"
New Blankets is interested in continuing (and increasing!) its support of
Pd *Artists-in-Transit*
and their tours and activities, worldwide. Those tours, in ways that will
depend on the individual AIT and the local interests, might include any
and all of the following:
-- performance
-- public lectures and demonstrations
-- workshops and instruction (including tutorials for beginners)
-- "round workbench" sessions of sharing techniques among experts
As a practical note, the NB Artists in Transit have been a congenial bunch
that prefer couch surfing to fancy hotels, will eat pizza or whatever
you're serving, etc etc. Nothing fancy or expensive is envisioned -- the
bulk of NB AIT expenses in the past have been for travel worldwide.
-- (Please pardon the interruption if none of the above is not of interest
to you.) --
But if you are interested in hosting/co-ordinating visitors to your area
and with your local group,
your university, concert hall or what-have-you-to-offer -- please send a
quick e-mail reply to:
-- pdhosts(a) --
(You are welcome of course to copy the list or not, as you feel
appropriate for brainstorming. Tell your friends, too and invite them to
email pdhosts(a) )
Once we have a quorum of replies, we'll share those. New Blankets hopes
to start
making a map, connecting the dots ... and hopefully be helping even more
of those terrific Pd Artists-in-Transit get out on the road and sharing Pd
art and lore.
In the grand scheme of things we hope that all of the micro local-elements
like patching circles and pd-weekends and AIT tours can work make the "big
show" PdCons even better (and more frequent) when they happen like
returning comets.