Here is my current version of the bit chime project I've been working on
this past year...
I'm sure there's lots of tweaks and more elegent solutions to be had, so all
advice gratefully received.
My current predicament is based around wanting to combine the various
partial ratio's that have come out of my analysis of a wind chime, so that
they can be easily re-combined creating new sonorities.
I had gone down the route of using midinotes to simplify the maths but I
don't like the equal temperament ratios. So the recent post has been about
trying to demistify that process for me.
My last post to the list was way back in August/September 08 I think. And
tbh, many of the suggestions made at that time are still outside of my
knowledge of Pd. As much as I would like to be able to step up to what Andy
Farnell described, at the time, as the difference between a good example and
a 'really good' example, perhaps that's just outside of my ken currently.
It has been a purposeful effort to fully understand everything that is going
on with my patch (which is another reason why I have avoided the list,
prefering to wrestle with it myself as much as possible), and also, it's not
meant to be a 'scientific' replica of a wind chime but a piece of digital
art using the wind chime idea as a jumping point.
I'm now starting to run out of time (got about 4 weeks left) any assistance
gratefully received (have I said that already?). So to help turn it into a
composition here's what I would like to do:
The number 5 has become significant (constraints are good)
We have 5 chimes, with 5 partials each.
We have the original ratios which are currently the frequency arguments of
each 'osc~'.
I would like to have all the ratios independently accessable so I can have,
for example: 1 partial per chime (all other osc~'s are silent), then say
each chime with 3 partials, and just on and on in all possible combinations.
In my minds ear I would like to hear something 'Morton Feldman' like, with
slowly changing sonorities, if that's conceptually helpful at all.
I'm thinking the easiest way to measure and introduce changes in the ratios
will be to trigger a new combination after one of the chimes has collided 5
or 10 or 15 or 20 times or summat.
THere's a few parts of the patch where I'm fiddling with ideas and trying
stuff out, I'm also aware that I need to get rid of the number boxes,
they've been useful when I'm testing. I think if I start to tidy the patch
up now I could be here all day.
***Can I just stress - they audio stuff is currently setup for midinotes,
this is not going to be used, I just haven't had time to wrestle with the
ratio idea yet . If you dont trigger the midinotes through the partials
folder, then the frequencies are from my original analysis.***
Blimey, lots of sentances that start with I:#
Perhaps this is all getting a little ahead of itself anyway. It was
mentioned in the previous post that it's easier to provide solutions when
knowing the context, so here I humbly go...
Cheers y'all,
P.S. I'm on Debian/Puredyne, running vanilla. I'm using pmpd, gem, zexy,
iemlib (i think). Maybe some others maybe less, I'm not great at knowing
which things come from what libs, tried to keep it simple 'tho.
P.P.S. The main patch is btch_0.4.6.2.pd