Pd-list February 2009

  • 115 participants
  • 182 discussions
Re: [PD] here I go again..dynamic abstractions
by IOhannes m zmoelnig 10 Feb '09

10 Feb '09
9 12
0 0
Crasher bug found...
by Luke Iannini 10 Feb '09

10 Feb '09

10 Feb '09

10 Feb '09
div vs. / & i
by Jonathan Wilkes 10 Feb '09

10 Feb '09

10 Feb '09
resizing samples, noob question
by Andrew Faraday 10 Feb '09

10 Feb '09
problem with pd extended
by bigswiftï¼ cox.net 10 Feb '09

10 Feb '09
escape space character
by y 10 Feb '09

10 Feb '09
7 12
0 0
limit in number of sssad abstraction
by punchik punchik 09 Feb '09

09 Feb '09
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