hallo georg,
the problem is, that you have to remember in which library an object is,
no help patch uses import or declare, and at least for me they are not
working. I would like to use every object without having to add the prefix.
let's say I want to use OSCroute...
I put an object [import oscx].
but OSCroute ... couldn't create
only oscx/OSCroute works, and then I can also use OSCroute.
I can import OSCroute, but only after I imported oscx.
almost all the help patches that rely on one of these libraries are broken.
for me it looks like I have to import every single object in pdxt before
I can use it, that's really not a solution.
what I want is, that when I type OSCroute, the library is loaded. and
there should be a default loaded that gets loaded if there are
nameclashes between different libs. for nameclashes it makes sense to
use the declare or prefix, but for the rest it is rather annoying.
Georg Holzmann wrote:
> Hallo!
>> there are a lot of objects in pdxt that will not load by default,
>> because the libraries are not loaded in the beginning and there is no
>> path. I thought the idea of pdxt is that all objects are loadable. I
> Again: why should all obects load at the beginning ? I can't remember
> that this was the idea of pdxt.
> In my opinion this makes no sense at all - instead we should focus on or
> document how its possible to load libs (declare/import), then also
> patches are much more clear ...
> LG
> Georg