hello list !
i have got a little problem... i try to format numbers
as they may represent 4 integers with the following
"decimal scheme" :
so that 1.23456 becomes the list 1 2 34 56.
i thougth this could be useful to store
formatted-lists in arrays (maybe saw it's easier with
data-structures or simply using multiple arrays).
but what i don't understand is that, sometimes, i
don't get the exact number in the latest decimals :
instead of getting 56 i have 55.99985 or 56.00021 or
something like that. is it bug from [int] or is it
because of "32-bit floating point" format ?
i've joined a patch to show the problem. i've tried
many different ways but none of them worked.
is it normal, have you got an idea ?
thank you
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