> Basically, you'd be the lead on that site. The sysop role means you
> have admin privileges over the whole site, and can make others sysops.
> You can share that role with as many people as you want, and be as
> involved as you want.. I am hoping that pdpedia will develop into
> related, autonomous communities.
Ok, count me in.
> This should be posted to the Pd list so that the community can be
> involved. I don't speak dutch at all, I'm just good at spotting typos
> :D The idea so far is to do some kind of lazy consensus. Post the
> Dutch template to the list, wait for comments, after a bit of time
> with no objections, we'll create the templates.
> .hc
This is what the Nederlands template looks like until now:
# wikipedia terms
$stub = "Beginnetje";
$template = "Sjabloon";
$category = "Categorie";
$infobox = "Infobox";
# pdpedia terms
$objectclass = "Objectklasse";
# page headers
$inlets = "Ingangen";
$outlets = "Uitgangen";
$arguments = "Argumenten";
$messages = "Berichten"; // could be 'Boodschappen' too, but that sounds a bit wierd to me, as that also means 'arrands'.
# infobox
$name = "Naam";
$description = "Beschrijving"; // can also be 'Omschrijving'
$abbreviation = "Afkorting";
$library = "Bibliotheek";
$author = "Auteur";
$developer = "Ontwikkelaar";
$releaseVersion = "Versie";
$releaseDate = "Uitgebracht op"; // or 'Gepubliceerd op' ? or 'Vrijgegeven op? or just 'Releasedate' ?
$dependencies = "Afhankelijkheden"; // could also be translated freely as 'Vereisten', something like 'requirements'
$license = "Licentie";
$website = "Website";
$programmingLanguage = "Programmeertaal";
$platform = "Platform";
$operatingSystem = "Besturingssysteem";
$language = "Taal";
$dataType = "Data type";
$distributions = "Distributies";
eenmaal andermaal...
>>>> comments and suggestions from dutch speakers welcome !
>>>> Tim
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick.
>>> -David Zicarelli
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are
> deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from
> scarcity." -John Gilmore