Pd-list September 2006

  • 139 participants
  • 230 discussions
buffer overflow with pix_image
by user @ earweego 16 Sep '06

16 Sep '06
Computer Music feature reconsidered
by adam armfield 16 Sep '06

16 Sep '06
Re: [PD] FFT + dac~ delay issue
by Kyle Klipowicz 16 Sep '06

16 Sep '06
file extension
by Romain Vuillet 16 Sep '06

16 Sep '06

15 Sep '06

15 Sep '06
by B. Bogart 15 Sep '06

15 Sep '06
11 24
0 0
FFT + dac~ delay issue
by mami music 15 Sep '06

15 Sep '06
active and tot not right in pd-extended
by Chuckk Hubbard 15 Sep '06

15 Sep '06
10 26
0 0
dealing with large sound files
by Nicholas Ward 15 Sep '06

15 Sep '06
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