I appreciate recently added datastructs new features.
however I think they still miss a big functionality:
often, to graphically represent a structure of data, are needed various
type of calculations; it is pretty unuseful i.e. draw a polygon with all
coordinates referred to 0,0 (object's center).
in order to paint a simple adsr struct, in addition to the template, I
have to create a "data-controller", which prepares *ALL* points of the
adsr-graph (e.g.: x1,y1,x2,y2,....), *NOT* only the a,d,s,r.
i guess this feature has been requested many times, but, wouldn't be
better have the ability of making additions,subtractions,etc directly
inside the drawpolygon declaration?
in that case, plotting that adsr line it's just:
[drawpolygon 0 900 0 0 a 100 (a+d) s (a+d+100) s (a+d+100+r) 0]
what pd developers says about this?