It's already called [gf.print] (to be renamed to [gf/print] later...) but [print] is an alias because the intent is to use it instead of the regular [print].
well, this is true
but equally true is the fact that when I type [print] into an object box I instantiate the [gf.print] object INSTEAD OF the plain-vanilla pd [print] object
the plain-vanilla/standard issue [print] function is called with [pd/print]
this is unnecessarily confusing to the user
as I stated earlier:
I am now clear on which [print] object belongs to GridFlow
I tried to get the .help file for the [print] and got the following:
tried /usr/lib/pd/extra/gf.print.pd and failed sorry, couldn't find help patch for "gf.print.pd"
so it seems that [print] is actually 'gf.print.pd'
while [pd/print] is actually print.pd
I am putting forth a suggestion: that all non-native objects either have a [prefix _objectname] or a unique name [crazy_name_here] so that an object is differentiated from the standard set of objects