Hello list,
I've been browsing the list archives for this topic but it didnt turn out to be positive.
I plan to acquire a brand new PTZ Sony SNC-RZ30P network camera. This camera has a web/ftp/smtp server that may send either stills (JPEG) or videostreams (MJPEG and MPEG4). As usual, this stream is either viewable through a Sony proprietary Windoze program or in your browser in an astonishing standard way ( I got a demo account from a retailer and I managed to get it working in Firefox/debian, apparently it's plain RTSP, the only non-working stuff were the VISCA commands).
Do you know of any object , possibly in GEM , that may capture it full frame (640x480@25fps) (pix_video??)
I'd really love to get it working through the network, since I wouldnt have to capture the analog through a Canopus DV bridge, and since there's the possibility to have it work on batteries and slide in a Wifi card in the PCMCIA slot, it would become the ideal thing for dance performances. Plus it's got a great image quality (it's a Super HAD ccd).
I'm in no hurry , I'm supposed to start rehearsing in September, nevertheless I'd love to have your advice before spending my scarce €€€ in a maybe useless device