two months ago I reported this problem about problem turning on DSP on OS X
with PortAudio and Jack (with Jack Pilot). The last week I had a gig and I
get the same problem. The configuration was: start RME Fireface 802 and
then start Pd, turn on DSP, get this problem. After a reboot, I obtain the
same problem, but turn on RME, start Pd, restart RME, DSP manages to start.
So I would like to report this problem with this sound card. With RME
Fireface 800 I never get this problem, only with 802.
-) RME Fireface 802 (Firewire 800 connection)
-) Mac early 2011 with Yosemite
-) Pd 64 bit (compiled by myself)
so what was the error message?
I start Jack from JackPilot on OS X, and Jack fails to start, not Pd fails
to connect to Jack.
so when using Pd with jackd:
- start jackd (e.g. using qjackctl)
- then start Pd
Yes I did it properly.
it seems like you are using the "PA" acronym for different things.
Pd has a PortAudio backend (s_audio_pa.c), but afaik this does not
involve any service/daemon/programm which could be refered to with "and
magically PA starts".
Mmm no. With PA I mean PortAudio exclusively. When I started Pd it froze
and looking at system monitor it stops at pa_send_dacs at some cerror
function call (maybe some pthread init, but I not remember properly).
Just to be clear: I started Pd with -pa flag but when I switch on the DSP
Pd froze and on system monitor I saw that Pd was locked at some error.
With Jack, Jack didn't start directly.
So, what I'm saying is that can be an idea put a red Pd error con parent
window in order that the user can understand that it is a PA error and not
a Pd error.
My solution was to reboot and everything worked properly, in this sense
"PA magically starts".
2016-06-14 14:58 GMT+02:00 IOhannes m zmoelnig
On 2016-06-14 12:57, Marco Matteo Markidis wrote:
Dear list,
Sunday I had a gig in Poland. After connect all cables, mixer and sound
card I started my Pd patch without problems. When I switched on the DSP
frozen and I didn't understand really what happens. After a while, I
started the system monitor and I saw that in calling PA it stops with an
error. I tried to start also Pd with Jack and in this case Jack didn't
start properly giving me an visible error message.
So I rebooted and magically PA starts.
I'm sending you this email just to say that can be a good idea in this
to report an error message very visible on Pd parent or something like
this, in order to understand that it is a PA error and probably an
error to
access to sound card or something like this.
I'm sorry to cannot report a complete log message, but I remember that
stops at pa_send_dacs function in s_audio_pa.c file. I hope you can
understand that in a real live situation with Wayne Horvitz waiting that
you finish your soundcheck it's not a proper occasion to get log message
file and stuff like this.
it seems like you are using the "PA" acronym for different things.
Pd has a PortAudio backend (s_audio_pa.c), but afaik this does not
involve any service/daemon/programm which could be refered to with "and
magically PA starts".
there is PulseAudio on linux, which can be used via the PortAudio
backend, but afaiu you are on osx so i don't think that this applies.
Best regards and sorry if this mail can be off topic.
i don't think it is off-topic, but probably more interesting for pd-list
(rather than pd-dev), as it is no more development-specific than any
other bug and more people could share there experiences.
therefore i'm answering via pd-list...
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