Hello all,
Recently I worked on an implementation of the FUDI protocol in Actionscript. The Library emulates the netreceive and netsend objects in Flash to communicate with pd.
Since Flash is very restrictive regarding socket connections and can only act as listener but not as server, I had to write a Java application which serves Flash the right policy file and, when using the netreceive object in Flash, acts as server. The "Fudi Bridge" comes as a jar file and should run on every platform that runs Java.
I find this most useful for building pretty interfaces for my patches.
For all sources go to http://github.com/matthiasbreuer/FUDI-as3 or grab the latest release here: http://github.com/downloads/matthiasbreuer/FUDI-as3/FUDI-as3_20100223.zip
The Library right now is undocumented but I will do that during the next days. The Flash examples depend on http://code.google.com/p/minimalcomps/ if you want to compile them yourself.
Any comments are appreciated. Matthias