Hello Everyone
OK this might seem strange but the help files for OSC don't help. I'm running windows XP (yeah cause that's what I'm stuck with). Can anyone tell me what messages/commands/arguments/etc can be sent to each of the different OSC objects:
OSC dumpOSC sendOSC OSCroute
Also, is this the complete set of OSC objects? If not, what other objects exist and what do they do? How do you use them?
I'm trying to write a patch that talks through an OscGroupClient to a group server. So far I've been able to connect to the server from my command line but within PD, I have no idea how to send to the server. Are there any clear resources on any of this?
Thanks In Advance, Phil
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com
On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 02:29:54PM -0700, Phillip Stearns wrote:
Hello Everyone
OK this might seem strange but the help files for OSC don't help. I'm running windows XP (yeah cause that's what I'm stuck with). Can anyone tell me what messages/commands/arguments/etc can be sent to each of the different OSC objects:
for that, youd need a Class Browser, but the docs should cover most methods..see below
OSC dumpOSC sendOSC OSCroute
Also, is this the complete set of OSC objects? If not, what other objects exist and what do they do? How do you use them?
I'm trying to write a patch that talks through an OscGroupClient to a group server. So far I've been able to connect to the server from my command line but within PD, I have no idea how to send to the server. Are there any clear resources on any of this?
you should have a set of help patches with the OSC externals, theyre also here: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/pure-data/externals/OSCx/doc/ ..
to connect, i think you just create a sendOSC and send it a 'connect' message, or something.. you need to use seperate send and dump objects on seperate ports to establish 2 way comm, i think :/ if this is unsuitable you could probably port liblo to PD using flext..
Thanks In Advance, Phil
__________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Hallo, Phillip Stearns hat gesagt: // Phillip Stearns wrote:
OK this might seem strange but the help files for OSC don't help. I'm running windows XP (yeah cause that's what I'm stuck with). Can anyone tell me what messages/commands/arguments/etc can be sent to each of the different OSC objects:
OSC dumpOSC sendOSC OSCroute
Also, is this the complete set of OSC objects?
Yes, however OSC is the name of the library, and it's not an object on its own (it is, but not usable).
You should be able to open the help file for all OSC-objects by right-clicking on an [OSC] object and selecting help.
All objects you need are the other three. They are explained in the OSC help patches dumpOSC-help.pd, sendOSC-help.pd and OSCroute-help.pd Do you have any specific problem understanding the help files? They list all possible messages to the various objects.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
Hi Philip,
to get you running, a few hints:
OSC definition) but working well for what it already does.
loaded. This is achieved either by adding it to the -lib startup flag or by putting a [OSC] dummy object in a patch. If you didn't do either and open one of the help patches it may look like it is not working.
What you will do is:
Its only argument is the port number. It won't accept further messages. It will give you all received OSC messages at its outlet.
(In fact you will probably put a [dumpOSC] at the 'input' side or your patch and a [sendOSC] at the 'output'). First you have to send it a [connect host port( message like [connect localhost 9999( Then you can send it [send OSCmessage( messages like [send /synth/voices/[12]/on 1( You can also bundle messages with the [[( and []( messages, but AFAIK a Pd OSC server won't recognise the bundling.
This module is just responsible for routing the messages according to their namespace.
Phillip Stearns schrieb:
Hello Everyone
OK this might seem strange but the help files for OSC don't help. I'm running windows XP (yeah cause that's what I'm stuck with). Can anyone tell me what messages/commands/arguments/etc can be sent to each of the different OSC objects:
OSC dumpOSC sendOSC OSCroute
Also, is this the complete set of OSC objects? If not, what other objects exist and what do they do? How do you use them?
I'm trying to write a patch that talks through an OscGroupClient to a group server. So far I've been able to connect to the server from my command line but within PD, I have no idea how to send to the server. Are there any clear resources on any of this?
Thanks In Advance, Phil
__________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
P.S. Three more things (might be obvious, but nevertheless):
sensible with the received data.
the network functionality. [OSCroute] is basically a string parser. You can use OSC also as a means of patch organization.
type into message boxes (as in the help files) you may run into problems: If you are constructing OSC messages somewhere in your patch you have to transform them into the [send( message which didn't work for me right away. An OSC message is treated as a list with arbitrary number of elements: The namespace (e.g. /synth/voices/4/noteon) is one element followed by any number of arguments of arbitrary type (e.g. 69 127 vcf 345 for notenumber, velocity, any command, any value). To transform this into [send /synth/voices/4/noteon 69 127 vcf 345( - which you can send to [sendOSC] you can use the following construction (Pd 0.39):
| [list prepend send] | [list trim] | [sendOSC]
Good luck Urs (who has gone through this only a few weeks ago
Urs Liska schrieb:
Hi Philip,
to get you running, a few hints:
- OSC implementation on Pd isn't complete (if you come from the official
OSC definition) but working well for what it already does.
- The individual objects can only be loaded when the _library_ [OSC] is
loaded. This is achieved either by adding it to the -lib startup flag or by putting a [OSC] dummy object in a patch. If you didn't do either and open one of the help patches it may look like it is not working.
What you will do is:
- Put a [dumpOSC] object in the patch that listens to OSC messages.
Its only argument is the port number. It won't accept further messages. It will give you all received OSC messages at its outlet.
- Put a [sendOSC] object in the patch that sends OSC messages
(In fact you will probably put a [dumpOSC] at the 'input' side or your patch and a [sendOSC] at the 'output'). First you have to send it a [connect host port( message like [connect localhost 9999( Then you can send it [send OSCmessage( messages like [send /synth/voices/[12]/on 1( You can also bundle messages with the [[( and []( messages, but AFAIK a Pd OSC server won't recognise the bundling.
- Put many [OSCroute] objects anywhere in your patch.
This module is just responsible for routing the messages according to their namespace.
Phillip Stearns schrieb:
Hello Everyone
OK this might seem strange but the help files for OSC don't help. I'm running windows XP (yeah cause that's what I'm stuck with). Can anyone tell me what messages/commands/arguments/etc can be sent to each of the different OSC objects:
OSC dumpOSC sendOSC OSCroute
Also, is this the complete set of OSC objects? If not, what other objects exist and what do they do? How do you use them?
I'm trying to write a patch that talks through an OscGroupClient to a group server. So far I've been able to connect to the server from my command line but within PD, I have no idea how to send to the server. Are there any clear resources on any of this?
Thanks In Advance, Phil
__________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list