I don't succeed in making a perfect mask with [pix_mask]. Even if my mask is only in B&W, I can see through the "perforated" picture on places which shouldn't be transparent. I join a little picture (we can see the colored squares through the Simon, and I don't want that)
Is it the same for you ? Pd 0.42.5 // GEM 0.92.3 // Ubunutu 10.04
You can find the patch here : http://yamatierea.org/4pd-list/Interfasimon.zip
On the french forum Codelab (http://codelab.fr) Rep give me an other way to get a mask. Use the native alpha layer of a .tiff picture.
It works perfectly !
Thanks to him.
2011/4/1 Olivier Baudu lamouraupeuple@gmail.com
I don't succeed in making a perfect mask with [pix_mask]. Even if my mask is only in B&W, I can see through the "perforated" picture on places which shouldn't be transparent. I join a little picture (we can see the colored squares through the Simon, and I don't want that)
Is it the same for you ? Pd 0.42.5 // GEM 0.92.3 // Ubunutu 10.04
You can find the patch here : http://yamatierea.org/4pd-list/Interfasimon.zip
...today i go back to an one-year-old-thread.
for some reasons, i had to go back to an old project and i remembered my problems i had there, while installing pd-extended and vanilla beside of each other, for using "pdsend" but still keeping the extended-version.
now, one year later, i'm on ubuntu-10.10: pd-extended 0.42.5 is already installed... than i install vanilla with: $ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends puredata
et voila:
i just wanted to say -thank you- for solving this- and for making it so easy for no-nerds to work with pd ^_^
greetings christian
Christian Heck quenotte at gmx.de mailto:pd-list%40iem.at?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BPD%5D%20no%20pdsend%20on%20pdextended%3F&In-Reply-To=%3C20100524211745.143510%40gmx.net%3E
/Mon May 24 23:17:45 CEST 2010/
/ please install "puredata", then manually uninstall "gem", then install
/>/ pd-extended. />/ should work. />/ / ... i tried now 2 different ways: first: i installed puredata with "sudo aptitude install -R" so gem is not installed with, automaticly (thats great!) second: i installed puredata normally with aptitude and after removed it manually but always if i try after to install pd-extended it is still the same conflict and i cannot install it even if i try : sudo dpkg -i --auto-deconfigure Pd-0.42.5-extended-ubuntu-karmic-i386.deb (i tried it with the nightly-build from today)
if i do it the other way around so first install pd-extended and than puredata he wants to remove this libs too: freeglut3{u} libavifile-0.7c2{u} libflite1{u} libftgl2{u} libimlib2{u} libmagick++2{u} pd-extended{a} tcllib{u} do you think this have something to do with the conflict on my system? i always ask myself if it is maybe because of my ubuntu karmic?.....