IŽm running pd 0.27 on a windows95 system. I would like to use or look at the left/rightshift objects included in the fft-examples. for any reason they do not appear on my computer, has anyone compiled them for w95? or can I do that myself!? probably not... marius
I did these a few days ago - if you have VC++ (or similar) compiler it is easy to build them anyway.
I can attach them zipped up on request; I hope to manifest a webpage somewhere with my current VC++ builds (main difference as announced earlier - a simple custom Windows icon embedded in pd.dll; also, I have built them multi-threaded, just in case...).
Richard Dobson
s_medge wrote:
IŽm running pd 0.27 on a windows95 system. I would like to use or look at the left/rightshift objects included in the fft-examples. for any reason they do not appear on my computer, has anyone compiled them for w95? or can I do that myself!? probably not... marius
s_medge wrote:
IŽm running pd 0.27 on a windows95 system. I would like to use or look at the left/rightshift objects included in the fft-examples. for any reason they do not appear on my computer, has anyone compiled them for w95? or can I do that myself!? probably not... marius
I've compiled it for Win95 sometime ago but appearantly it seems to work on Win98 too. Unfortunately the lockedphasevocoder-patch seems to be a little bit buggy too (I think renaming the file "hanning-window." into "hanning-window.pd" will help)
You can find the compiled "rightshift.dll, leftshift.dll and pique.dll" here: ftp://iem.mhsg.ac.at/pd/misc/WIN/
mfg.hrt.awef hannes