Hi list,
Is it possible to record a set amount of frames of the pix_video into a buffer? I looked at buffer.pd, but there only objects like pix_movie and pix_film are mentioned.
Also, if i'm opening up my gem patch, although the toggles which are connected to the gemheads are off, all the objects get rendered anyway. To only show one of the objects, I have to turn off all the objects that I don't want to show. Or, I have to toggle everything off before I turn on rendering. There's possibly a much more simple way to handle this, but I have not figured it out yet.. Anyone?
Many thanks,
On Dec 26, 2004, at 12:42 PM, sara kolster wrote:
Hi list,
hi sara,
Is it possible to record a set amount of frames of the pix_video into a buffer? I looked at buffer.pd, but there only objects like pix_movie and pix_film are mentioned.
...yes, they all create the same kind of output...I'd suggest just plugging something into something else if your curious: that's kinda how pd/gem are designed...it'll either work or not, and if not, hopefully spew out some message instead of crashing :-)
Also, if i'm opening up my gem patch, although the toggles which are connected to the gemheads are off, all the objects get rendered anyway. To only show one of the objects, I have to turn off all the objects that I don't want to show. Or, I have to toggle everything off before I turn on rendering. There's possibly a much more simple way to handle this, but I have not figured it out yet.. Anyone?
...yeh, everything is "on" by default, if I remember correctly...so you may want to send a [loadbang]->[0] to anything you want off to start...we have discussed this a while ago, and I think we just decided to leave it as is...
time to eat, jamie
Hey James,
...yes, they all create the same kind of output...I'd suggest just plugging something into something else if your curious: that's kinda how pd/gem are designed...it'll either work or not, and if not, hopefully spew out some message instead of crashing :-)
Well, I figured it out and it works. I had to send this colorspace RGB message to it, and then it worked fine. When I want to use the output of pix_video as well as the pix_buffer_read, the 'live-input' of the camera isn't shown, but only the rectangle on which it is 'textured'. Creating two pix-video-objects isn't possible I think, also then only the rectangle or cube is shown.
...yeh, everything is "on" by default, if I remember correctly...so you may want to send a [loadbang]->[0] to anything you want off to start...we have discussed this a while ago, and I think we just decided to leave it as is...
Ok, will try the [loadbang]->[0].
I'm trying to figure something out about pix_video.
When I connect the buffer-object to pix_video AND try to show the live-video-input from the camera [via texture / rectangle] it only shows the rectangle, not the video.
To summarize, I want to display both pix_video as well as the pix_buffer_read [which reads the stored images taken from pix_video]
Am i doing something wrong, or is this just not possible?
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Zitiere james tittle tigital@mac.com:
...yeh, everything is "on" by default, if I remember correctly...so you
may want to send a [loadbang]->[0] to anything you want off to start...we have discussed this a while ago, and I think we just decided
to leave it as is...
well, the argument was that the toggle's should reflect the state of the objects in the first place rather than the other way round (why should we change the behaviour of an object to not do anything at all, just because it makes help-patches a tiny bit more clean) while adding a [loadbang] os one solution, i generally think that using the "init" feature would make much cleaner patches (and they could be initialized to 1 which would make somehow more sense)
(or we could leave the toggles all together, as i think they are not really essential in a help-patch: once you understand that each and every pix_-objects understands a 1/0-message on the first inlet, ther eis no need to demonstrate this again and again)
mfg.as.dr IOhannes
happy everything