Hi August,
I saw that on the list :
the newest version of readany, which I worked on heavily from feb-april, is now compiled on OS X. I haven't released it yet, 'cause I haven't gotten around to cleaning it all up. been busy.
and i was wondering if you have release the OS X version and if there's a binary somewhere? Right now I'm using sfread~ to play some sound files because I need to be able to loop, seek and start to play the file quickly but the seek function doesn't seem to work. So I would like to use readanysf~ !
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Etienne Desautels wrote:
and i was wondering if you have release the OS X version and if there's a binary somewhere? Right now I'm using sfread~ to play some sound files because I need to be able to loop, seek and start to play the file quickly but the seek function doesn't seem to work. So I would like to use readanysf~ !
yes, the new 0.13 release has succesfully been compiled and tested on OSX.
However, I don't have the time to make a OSX package or binary. I know some on the list have it already running on OSX, so maybe they can give you binary if they have it.
you will need gcc (comes with Xcode): download and "./configure, make, make install" the following: libsamplerate libmad libogg libvorbis libflac you will also need to install flext somewhere.
then, for readanysf~, do another "./configure", and "make"
wish there weren't so many dependancies, but that's how it is right now.
best of luck -august.
yes, the new 0.13 release has succesfully been compiled and tested on OSX.
and win32. just wondering, has anyone already hacked readanysf~ into loading into ram-based tables? a la normal soundfiler..thinking of converting sample libraries to FLAC but not before finding or perhaps creating a FLAC-compatible soundfiler..
anyone figured out why libflac throws errors for 32bit-float files and streams, but not w/ 24int, even tho the beginning synch-portion of a flac stream is stored in 32bit-integer and according to the source code "the reference encoder/decoder is currently limited to 24 bits because of prevalent 32-bit math". huh? is this due to there being some "loss" when converting from floats to ints at 32bit? guess this is more a question for the FLAC people im just wondering how its handled in writeanysf~, just pure truncation to 24bit integer?..
libsamplerate libmad libogg libvorbis libflac you will also need to install flext somewhere.
and win32. just wondering, has anyone already hacked readanysf~ into loading into ram-based tables? a la normal soundfiler..thinking of converting sample libraries to FLAC but not before finding or perhaps creating a FLAC-compatible soundfiler..
i'm not aware of anything like that ... anyway, it should easily be possible to implement something like that (the best place would be the soundfiler object)... but as far as i understand pd, it's designed to depend on _very_ few external libraries ... so we'd probably have to write our own flac support ...
cheers ... tim