A couple thoughts I had about web interfaces for PD..
Has anyone looked at this? http://www.x-desktop.org/ Some guys did up a frontend for eGroupWare using this and it looks killer. Is it too clunky for Pd?
Also, has anyone written a CGI interface to Pd? It strikes me that it would be very easy to write, eg. parse a pre-written patch and allow the user to interact with it. Maybe no edit mode.
Okay, I really do need to stop finding excuses to not finish my final exam.
Ian Smith-Heisters wrote:
Okay, I really do need to stop finding excuses to not finish my final exam.
I won't tell you about http://www.processing.org then, a lanuguage based on Java and designed specifically for web-based art installations using applets. It's got nothing to do with Pd but it's interesting, nonetheless. I'm awaiting the official release with considerable anticipation.