Hello List,
Two cameras would send their frames to two image stacks which contain say 30 frames (the more the better). The actual frame is subtracted from the last one and the resulting frame of this simple kind of movement-dedection would serve as a parameter to compose from the two stacks the actual video output reading each single pixel in a random manner from the two stacks mixing both by using an appropriate function.
I would like to setup the installation in windoze, because there I have already tested the use of two cameras, and I do not have much time left. Are the necessary externals like pix_movement2 and the stock GEM modules available for windoze too?
I think all Gem objects are available on all gem platforms.
Florian Grond wrote:
Hello List,
Two cameras would send their frames to two image stacks which contain say 30 frames (the more the better). The actual frame is subtracted from the last one and the resulting frame of this simple kind of movement-dedection would serve as a parameter to compose from the two stacks the actual video output reading each single pixel in a random manner from the two stacks mixing both by using an appropriate function.
I would like to setup the installation in windoze, because there I have already tested the use of two cameras, and I do not have much time left. Are the necessary externals like pix_movement2 and the stock GEM modules available for windoze too?
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Florian Grond wrote:
Hello List,
I would like to setup the installation in windoze, because there I have already tested the use of two cameras, and I do not have much time left. Are the necessary externals like pix_movement2 and the stock GEM modules available for windoze too?
i jsut noticed that [pix_movement2] is neither in the CVS nor in any released version of Gem.
anyhow, [pix_movement] (which is in the stock) should do what you want too.
[pix_movement] compares 2 adjacent frames based on a threshold.
[pix_movement2] compares the current frame against the last 2 ones and a static "background"-image (threshold-based); the threshold adjusts itself automatically; so it is just an improved version of [pix_movement]
i am currently writing documentation for this object and will check it into the CVS within the next hours.
mfg.asd.r IOhannes
Quoting IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig@iem.at:
anyhow, [pix_movement] (which is in the stock) should do what you want too.
[pix_movement] compares 2 adjacent frames based on a threshold.
[pix_movement2] compares the current frame against the last 2 ones and a static "background"-image (threshold-based); the threshold adjusts itself automatically; so it is just an improved version of [pix_movement]
You can also use pix_background to remove the 'static' pixels of a video stream. It uses a reference image and threshold to replace pixels within the range with a user specified color. It can be used for keying on non-green screen as well.
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please forgive me but i have forgotten if secondscreen works for gem 0.90 i am on OS X
Patrick Pagano, B.S., M.F.A. Research And Development Assistant Digital Worlds Institute University Of Florida (352) 294-2082
On Apr 25, 2005, at 1:14 PM, shree wrote:
please forgive me but i have forgotten if secondscreen works for gem 0.90 i am on OS X
The message is 'fullscreen $1' where 0 is off, 1 is the display with the menu bar and the 2 on up are additional displays.