hey thanks, that worked perfectly, I really wish I knew more about pd (stuff like using the delay for instance) , so I wouldnt be asking obvious questions thanks anyway!!!!! : )
-----Original Message----- From: CK [mailto:x@meta.lo-res.org] Sent: 03 February 2004 17:48 To: 0031259@student.ul.ie Cc: PD-list@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] sending a bang using netsend
I read:
on the other persons pc for the disconnecting part, this is obviously coz its disconnected, you dont have any ideas of how to tell it to send the
and THEN disconnect,
(*) this is the diconnect button
| [send bang (
| |
[del 500] use a sensible delay value
| |
[disconnect (
ok ?
-- chris@lo-res.org Postmodernism is german romanticism with better http://pilot.fm/ special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.com)