Hi there, still struggling with my circular buffer Phase Vocoder, now I've found an issue that has no apparent reason.
Check the attached patch please
the speed is 100% and pitcnh shift is "0", so the signal from vline~ stands still in one particular point in the buffer (read from [vd~]).
buffer size is 4000 ms, into the PVoc subpatch is supposed to be "1000" for it does oversampling with the overlap of 4 (we've discussed this before). Anyway, I'm using sampstoms~ and mstosamps~ to convert in a way that works for the patch.
The point is, when getting close to the end of the delay line, things get ruined for no reason! The end of the buffer is 1000 ms, not 4000 ms as pointed above. You can check my patch and see how that goes.
If the reading point is at somewhere just after the buffer size less a window size plus a hop size (around 985 ms) things get bad.
I can't find a reason for that in a million years. Please help