We have put together a cross platform python-pygame based basic HID event server. It listens to HID events and sends out OSC messages with the following format ("/hid", [ 'buttonup', joystickID, button]) ("/hid", [ 'hatmotion', joystickID,, hat, value ]) etc ... check the documentation included for more details
The python source code, windows and mac standalone versions and documentation can be downloaded from http://ixi-software.net/backyard > subsection "Python"
Mouse events have not been implemented, maybe this would be a good idea? it is dead easy to do, just few lines. Default IP and port are localhost and 57120 (it was developed for Supercollider because there is no HID support there) but they can be assigned from command line.
In the case of PD there is already HID but as far as i understand it is not fully crossplatform, so we thought this server could be handy in some cases where crossplatform support is crucial.
Dependencies for running the source code -not the standalone versions- are pygame and simpleOSC (again in Python section of http://ixi-software.net/backyard )
please email us for feedback, ideas or problems.