Hi, is it possible to make fish swarms and stuff like this in pd? cheers. christian
Christian Klotz Kunsthochschule Kassel / School of Arts Kassel ::digitalpool
theres an object called particle swarm optimizer(pso) that performs this.
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 03:07:43 +0100, "Christian Klotz" list_pd@deviation.de said:
thanks, so I compiled the pso from cvs. Everything went fine till starting pd. There I get the erro message while loading pso.pd_linux
undefined symbol: _ZN17flext_root_singlenwEj
any suggestions? thanks, christian
On Nov 2, 2004, at 6:30 AM, siggmuss wrote:
Christian Klotz Kunsthochschule Kassel / School of Arts Kassel ::digitalpool
maybe you also have to recompile flext !
LG Georg