You can turn it off with an environment variable. From the release notes:
If you don't want GEM to take control of the tablet if it finds one, set the environment variable GEM_NO_TABLET to the value "1" (no quotes of course). There will be a print out if GEM finds the environment variable.
Later, Mark
============================ = = Lead Programmer PS2 = ============================
-----Original Message----- From: Olaf Matthes [] Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:16 AM To: pd-list Subject: [PD] gem blocks tablet
Hi Mark, hi list,
I just ran into difficulties using gem (0.84) and my drawing tablet (acecad DigiPadII cordless) on WinNT 4.0 (with pd 0.32-1). When I start pd the tablet sort of blocks: it is no longer possible to move the mouse-arrow on the screen. When I close pd (using the mouse or keyboard) everythings works well again. Gem reports: GEM: connected to tablet. Running pd without gem does not cause this problem...
Any ideas, hints, bug warnings... ? Or do I just need to download latest versions?
Thanks, Olaf
Hi Mark,
the problem is that I _want_ to use it because I need a pointing device that is capable of transmitting 3 different kinds of information (x,y,pressure) with one hand. Thats why I connected it to my computer, to use it with the gemtablet object...
So my problem is not to switch it off but to get it to work with gem... ;-)
I did a small test: When I start photoshop (or any other programm that is capable of using a tablet) and the tablet is _not_ connected to the computer, I allways get _two_ (identical) error messages reporting an error in WinTab.dll. When I start gem I just get _one_ error message (saying the same). Usually I can use the tablet and the mouse together, gem just blocks the tablet (there is no reaction when moving the pen), the mouse still works...
Mark Danks schrieb:
You can turn it off with an environment variable. From the release notes:
If you don't want GEM to take control of the tablet if it finds one, set the environment variable GEM_NO_TABLET to the value "1" (no quotes of course). There will be a print out if GEM finds the environment variable.
Later, Mark
============================ = = Lead Programmer PS2 = ============================
-----Original Message----- From: Olaf Matthes [] Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:16 AM To: pd-list Subject: [PD] gem blocks tablet
Hi Mark, hi list,
I just ran into difficulties using gem (0.84) and my drawing tablet (acecad DigiPadII cordless) on WinNT 4.0 (with pd 0.32-1). When I start pd the tablet sort of blocks: it is no longer possible to move the mouse-arrow on the screen. When I close pd (using the mouse or keyboard) everythings works well again. Gem reports: GEM: connected to tablet. Running pd without gem does not cause this problem...
Any ideas, hints, bug warnings... ? Or do I just need to download latest versions?
Thanks, Olaf
Hi Mark and list,
I just solved my problem: it is not possible to move the arrow on the screen after I've started pd/gem but 'gemtablet' receives all data correctly... the frozen arrow just irritated me! - Maybe it's possible to change that in a future release (if it's not a problem with my tablet only)?