Hello all,
I'd like to install GEM, now that I have pd running (sort of...). I don't seem to able to do that, so maybe someone will have an idea..
I'm running LinuxPPC on an Apple machine (ppc 7200/120).
Essentially, after having done what the readme file is saying, when I start pd -lib gem , the app is looking for a (shared library?) gem.pd_linux.
I figure, I should compile it myself but nothing wants to even start compiling...
Also, is there a plan for an external to read from a CD???
+------------> | Michal Seta | | http://www.geocities.com/vienna/1257/ | <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | It's only when I know what I'm doing that it's boring | j cage | +--------------------------------------------------------+
hi all,
At 13:00 14.12.98 EST, you wrote:
just quoting from earlier list-postings...
first you should check if you ve got all the libraries needed (Mesa, gltt, freetype, td, ...), if not install them or build them in pd/gem/src/Auxlibs/ after that cd to pd/gem/src/Gnu, ./configure, make ....
i put the compiled Gem.pd-linux i think in /usr/lib/pd/externs and it loads fine with an "-lib Gem" entry in my .pdrc file ...
If you like to build Gem, it is necessary that all the libraries Gem depends on are installed:
libgltt libttf libjpeg libtiff libMesaGl and libMesaGLU (or libGL and libGLU)
... and others which are more common like
libc libX11 libXext libstdc++ libm libz
The configure script checks for them and reports back if it can´t find them
in general:
i think it would be cool to set up a FAQ for pd/gem to avoid redundancy in questions/answers. i'd like to do that (in fact i started out with collecting relevant questions and answers from the list) but i think i do not have the right technical competence... please tell me if you like the idea and if you'd like to participate. or, in opposite, it would be cool to have a user-maintained-FAQ like there is for MkLinux.
at least there should be digests of the list available online...
<offtopic> and, uh, by the way, is it possible to set a "reply-to" adress for the list? i shure sent 50% of my replies accidetially to the senders instead of the list... </offtopic>
Also, is there a plan for an external to read from a CD???
you might want to have a look at project dynamic by matt flax:
its a realtime-cd-rom manipulation tool. does things like loop, pitch shift and playing backwards with directly reading digital data into the CPU. the libs contained with this software are free to use. since i'm not a programmer i'd like to convince some competent person to have a look at this stuff and see if it could be detached from its GUI and incorporated into an external for pd.
best, gert
| || ||| || s p r a y r a z o r f i s h, hamburg
Gert Brantner
>> +49.(0)40.355377.25
Yes, it would be great to have a FAQ, if someone wants to write it. I would definitely make comments, but I donŽt have time to write and maintain it.
at least there should be digests of the list available online...
there are, well to some extend. see <http://iem.mhsg.ac.a/~geiger/pd-list/. unfortunately the html preparation got broken in the last time. IŽm thinking about moving the list, so I will have more control over it.
... about the CDROM issue .... hmm .. well ... we could add a TODO section to the FAQ .. maybe if IŽm really motivated I will start such a thing.