Hello list!
Tha last days I've uploaded the photos that gave me my camera of the pdcon09 and ISCL 2009.
:Better late than neverhttp://www.gallery.sergilario.com/main.php/v/pdcon09/
Enjoy the photos and open to comments,
I added these to the wiki: http://puredata.info/community/PdCon2009Media
On Jun 10, 2010, at 4:49 AM, Sergi Lario wrote:
Hey Sergi... nice memories.... good pics...
Best regards
2010/6/10 Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@at.or.at
Hey Sergi, moltisimes gracies per las tevas fotos ... bons records! Pero falten mes fotos de gent .. tens altres? Un salutacio i sort.
Jose, donde andas escondido?
Quoting Jose Luis Santorcuato santorcuato76@gmail.com:
these pics brings me nice memories of moments and conversations.
thanks Sergi.
2010/6/15 nacho@discosinvisibles.org:
I went just on the very last day to see the performances and was looking for documentation and audio files, in this link I found some. Super nice!
Many thanks!
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Renato Fabbri renato.fabbri@gmail.comwrote:
ei sergi,
very cool the pics.
after ISCL, Oscar, Xavi, Lucca, Glerm, Simone, Global and others friends came to LIBRES festival in Recife.
the pictures http://libres.tecnologiaslivres.org/
greetings :)
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 7:05 AM, Pedro Oliveira hello@partidoalto.netwrote:
Hey Nacho acá estamos.... un abrazote y cuando vengas por Chile avisa hombre!!!!!!!!!!, puedes quedarte o visitarme... NIce pics bros...where is Ed????
Best regards
José (the snorer)
2010/6/16 Ricardo Brazileiro rbrazileiro@gmail.com