another annyoing error:
i m using arbran from maxlib. i have many arbrans in abstractions that are accessing shared arrays. the problem is, when i load the whole patch, at each arbran's loadtime, the arrays are not known (yet), resulting in arbran: no array "bla" (error 0)
if i recreate the objects after loading is finished all is fine.
the arrays are sitting in a separate abstraction. i ve toyed with placing this abstraction in different places / levels.
it appears to me this behaviour must have creeped in with 0.36 or something. its the same with devel_0_36 and 0.36-0 though.
hintz apprec. _xj
-- x Þ u . 0 R g
I just checked this here with arrays in an abstraction. You're right, arbran complains about missing arrays... I think this is due to the different creation times of the objects. Simply deleting arbran after creating the subpatch and then reinserting arbran helps. The creation order for objects in pd is the order in which you insert the objets. Maybe this could be changed a little bit so that arrays get created first?! A workaround could be to change the order of the entries in the .pd file....
"d.jc" schrieb:
another annyoing error:
i m using arbran from maxlib. i have many arbrans in abstractions that are accessing shared arrays. the problem is, when i load the whole patch, at each arbran's loadtime, the arrays are not known (yet), resulting in arbran: no array "bla" (error 0)
if i recreate the objects after loading is finished all is fine.
the arrays are sitting in a separate abstraction. i ve toyed with placing this abstraction in different places / levels.
it appears to me this behaviour must have creeped in with 0.36 or something. its the same with devel_0_36 and 0.36-0 though.
hintz apprec. _xj
-- x à u . 0 R g
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