IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
hmm, while you discovered clearly a bug, your patch is buggy too.
quoting the pd documentation of [route]: "Route checks the first element of a message against each of its arguments, which may be numbers or symbols (but not a mixture of
the two.)"this means that both [route 5 bang] and [route bang 5] are illegal!
Ah, good call -- thanks for the clarification & the patches. On that
same note though -- what I actually wanted to do (as might be obvious
from my mistake) was [sel bang] but I get "error: select: no method
for 'bang'" when [sel] receives a bang message... so I went looking
for alternatives. Since the [route] documentation has a bang example
I went with what works.
Is this the correct behavior for [select]? And if so, why, and
what's the best way to test whether an incoming message equals bang?
Using [route] (properly)?
Thanks so much for the help, Zac