I'm trying to build pd-extended from svn trunk.
I'm following the text here: http://puredata.info/docs/developer/BuildingPdExtended
So I do this: cd pure-data/packages/linux_make make install
...and the build ends in pd/src:
dbtopow~.c:5:20: error: e_sqrt.h: No such file or directory.
It's true there is no e_sqrt.h in trunk/pd/src.
Which repository should I be using here?
pedro@io:~$ locate e_sqrt.h /home/pedro/Apps/pdfont/pdextendedAll/0.42/externals/vanilla/e_sqrt.h /home/pedro/Apps/pdfont/pdextendedAll/0.42/externals/vanilla/.svn/text-base/e_sqrt.h.svn-base
On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 6:15 PM, martin.peach@sympatico.ca wrote:
Um, hehe, yeah, I should start pushing updates from the pd-
extended.git to the SVN, so that one SVN checkout will actually build
when we're between releases. I'd use rsync:
On Feb 16, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Pedro Lopes wrote:
"Making boring techno music is really easy with modern tools, but with
live coding, boring techno is much harder." - Chris McCormick