Is it doable? The cameras are black and white, the mics are great except for the hum from poor insulation, the infrared had probably half blinded me, it allready has some linux on it but the network interface is through an activex browser dohicky, Should I just throw preloaded 12.04 Ubuntu Sstudio in there and see how it picks up on whats in it becasu I can't find any info on the board but it has an ARM SATA controler it looks like with a 2TB drive that my linux can not understand the partition tables on. It would make for a nice video piano and a triangulated sound wave input. Should I just use the drive to install a fresh copy of windows so I can scan(dagone Lexmark) in my patch guidemap drawings or what? Maybe I can grab pictures from the scanner with pure data if I can figure out how to get it to stop sayingCannot Retrieve Application List! Maybe that is why Pure Data does not understand strings. hahahahaha! j/k about the strings.