actually, i was looking for a pd-based reverb for my current project and the rev~* trilogy didn't quite fit my needs (i didn't find a way to create smaller rooms, even with short decays those sound like a big hall). your reverb sounds great (also the rev~* do, of course) and it is also quite what i was looking for in terms of roomsize. thanks for sharing it.
Thanks! I think I can get even smaller room sounds by experimenting with the output tap structure.
if you don't mind, i'll put it into pdmtl collection, as soon as i find time (when finished with the current project).
I dont mind at all! :)
a note on the implementation: some values seem to be hardcoded for a sampling rate of 44100. probably it would make sense to use [samplerate~] instead, so that the reverb sounds similar at different rates.
Thanks. I'll look into this - I havent tried the patch in any other samplerates.
There's some text in the patch that may be confusing, though, cause it's only a reference to the figure in page 3 of the PDF article. For example [pd z^-4453] is not a sample-wise delay of 4453 as one would expect. It's a subpatcher with delwrite and delread 149.625 milliseconds. I got this by dividing 4453 by sample rate 29761 Hz (4453 / 29761 = ~0.149625) as stated in the table on page 4. I hope this is correct, I'm not sure. :) I think I'll change the "pd z^-4453" text to avoid confusion anyways.