Does anybody know how to list the Device Numbers without opening the console?
I need to connect a mouse with varying hardware. However, "open by device type" does not work. "Open by vendor / product ID" does not seem to work either. Maybe it's because only the receiver of my wireless mouse shows up or it simply doesn't work anyway.
Connecting with [open 9( works fine but if the number has changed it won't open automatically anymore. When sending [print( to [hid] I can see the device numbers but only in the pd window. It does not appear on any of the two outlets.
Is there a shell command that will give me the listing? I searched the internet but didn't find anything so far.
Thanks! Ingo
Does anybody know how to list the Device Numbers without opening the console?
I need to connect a mouse with varying hardware. However, "open by device type" does not work. "Open by vendor / product ID" does not seem to work either. Maybe it's because only the receiver of my wireless mouse shows up or it simply doesn't work anyway.
Connecting with [open 9( works fine but if the number has changed it won't open automatically anymore. When sending [print( to [hid] I can see the device numbers but only in the pd window. It does not appear on any of the two outlets.
Do you get error messages about objects not found when you open the hid example patch?
Have you tried the [mouse] object or abstraction that is included with hid?
[mouse] works fine but only with a single button. I need a total of 6 buttons.
-----Original Message----- From: Pd-list [] On Behalf Of Peter P. Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2019 1:45 PM To: Subject: Re: [PD] [hid] (Debian 9.5) - How to find out the device numbers?
- Ingo [2019-10-08 13:34]:
Does anybody know how to list the Device Numbers without opening the console?
I need to connect a mouse with varying hardware. However, "open by device type" does not work. "Open by vendor / product ID" does not seem to work either. Maybe it's because only the receiver of my wireless mouse shows up or it simply doesn't work anyway.
Connecting with [open 9( works fine but if the number has changed it won't open automatically anymore. When sending [print( to [hid] I can see the device numbers but only in the pd window. It does not appear on any of the two outlets.
Do you get error messages about objects not found when you open the hid example patch?
Have you tried the [mouse] object or abstraction that is included with hid? mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->