On Mon, 25 Apr 2005, John Nowak wrote:
On Apr 25, 2005, at 10:28 AM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
This should be the first topic in the upcoming 4th online PureData developers meeting, which will be next Friday. I'll announce it on the pd-dev mailing-list today. I have yet to prepare the list of topics we will discuss, which is why I haven't announced it officially yet.
Are non-PD developers allowed to participate?
The answer is a big YES.
To me, there is nothing really telling who counts as a PureData "developer" or not, not even membership on http://sf.net/projects/pure-data.
Furthermore, those meetings happen on the #dataflow channel, which is already open to everybody. You just have to be able to log onto the FreeNode IRC (irc.freenode.net:6667)
I am not currently contributing any code to the project (this may change), but I suspect I may have worthwhile opinions on certain matters that come up. Thanks.
I am interested in the opinions of whoever has got pertinent and insightful opinions, no matter who they otherwise are.
Note that I would recommend that everybody who plans to attend those meetings subscribe to the pd-dev mailing-list.
,-o---------o---------o---------o-. ,----. |
| The Diagram is the Program (TM) | | ,-o----------------------------o-.
-o-----------------------------o-' | | Mathieu Bouchard (Montréal QC) | | |---' | http://artengine.ca/matju | | |