having this error below when trying to load any mp3~ object, they are supposed to be correctly installed in: lib/pd/extra] nmp% ls . . mp3amp~.pd_darwin mp3cast~.pd_darwin mp3fileout~.pd_darwin mp3streamin~.pd_darwin mp3streamout~.pd_darwin mp3write~.pd_darwin . .
this is the error message:
dyld: /usr/local/bin/pd Undefined symbols: _get_lame_version _lame_close _lame_encode_buffer_interleaved _lame_encode_flush _lame_get_num_channels _lame_init _lame_init_bitstream _lame_init_params _lame_set_brate _lame_set_copyright _lame_set_disable_reservoir _lame_set_emphasis _lame_set_in_samplerate _lame_set_mode _lame_set_num_channels _lame_set_original _lame_set_out_samplerate _lame_set_padding_type _lame_set_quality pd_gui: pd process exited /Applications/Pd.command: line 3: 9925 Trace/BPT trap /usr/local/bin/pd -rt logout [Process completed]
i hope anyone out there is using this objects happily in OSX/ ------< h.c? [I WILL TRY TO COMPILE PiDiP ALSO, ANYONE CAN POST ON THAT? os x related] thanks again /nmp
ps: i have installed finally ffmpeg-0.4.8 and lame -3.93.1 both reside in:::
:/usr/local/bin] nmp# ls .DS_Store bzfgrep bzmore ffplay gsbj gsnd pdf2dsc pf2afm ps2epsi ps2ps bdftops bzgrep cyclist fixmswrd.pl gsdj lame pdf2ps pfbtopfa ps2pdf pv.sh bz2cat bzip2 dvipdf font2c gsdj500 lprsetup.sh pdfopt pj-gs.sh ps2pdf12 sysvlp.sh bzcat bzip2recover eps2eps gnutar gslj lpstyl pdreceive printafm ps2pdf13 unix-lpr.sh bzegrep bzless ffmpeg gs gslp pd pdsend ps2ascii ps2pdfwr wftopfa