Bad news, Rockefeller isn't interested in funding the Pd conference
now, but I think they might still be open to funding other things.
But have other good news about Pd conf funding, but I don't think I
should be the one to announce it...
In other good news, City Tech, another technical university which is
literally next door to Polytechnic, might also contribute resources
to Pd~conf. They have a high-tech theatre which is being offered,
most likely for free. They have a big entertainment technology dept.
and they work with Broadway shows a lot, so that theatre is their
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Creativity" Date: April 27, 2006 10:31:08 PM GMT+02:00 To: Subject: Conference
Dear Mr. Steiner:
First, please allow us to apologize for the length of time it has
taken for us to reply to the inquiry you sent on 3/24/06 . The portion of the Foundation's web site that forwards these inquiries for
response was malfunctioning during the time you wrote to us, and it is only now
that we have been able to recover the queries that were sent in while the system was not operational. Again, our apologies.Creativity & Culture's support for conferences is very limited. For
the most part, officers will choose to fund a conference only if it is an outgrowth of, or a precursor to, a program or project supported by Creativity & Culture, or if it will center on a topic of direct and immediate concern to the programmatic and/or strategic foci of the department. Because the project you have described, while compelling, does not fall into either of these categories, we will not be able to provide support for the event.Please feel free to consult Creativity & Culture's area of the Rockefeller Foundation's web site ( for more information about our programming.
We're sorry we cannot be of help to you in this instance, but wish you well in identifying alternate sources of support.
Regards, Creativity & Culture